2. School

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# Maggie's P.O.V #


Ughh, who invented alarm clocks. People get through about four a week because they throw them across the room and break them.


I quickly turned it off before it woke me too much; hangovers on school days are horrible. I want to die. Silence is amazing, I rolled over - away from the light of my curtains and went back to sleep.

"Maggie! Get up." my mum shouted in my ear, shaking me. Do you think I could throw my mum across the room? Sigh, I suppose not. I just ignored her and pulled the covers over my head. They were soon yanked off me and the cold hit me like a bus.

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up, now go away." I groaned as I sat up, holding my head.

"Maggie, how late out did you go yesterday?" my mum accused me.

"Umm, not that late." I lied, looking at the ground.

"Hmm, sure." she glanced at me, "COME ON BREAKFAST IS READY." she yelled in my ear. She is evil.

I groaned and held my throbbing head, glaring as she laughed at me. She left the room and I started to get up.

I went to the bathroom and tried to fix my dishevelled hair; I combed it out then added some dry shampoo. I didn't have time to wash my hair. I then left the bathroom and went to my wardrobe.

I picked out some black trousers and a plain white tank top.

After putting them on I ran downstairs, grabbed my breakfast - a bagel with jam - and ran out the door. School wasn't very far away and it was a sunny day so I decided to walk there. It was the first day back after summer and I was determined to not be late. Just cause I sleep with people a lot does not mean I am the school 'bad girl' and always late.

I got to the gates and walked through; almost straight away boys came over to me and made kissy faces, just because I have never had a boyfriend they like to make fun of me.

I ignored them and walked over to my locker, I saw someone leaning against the door: it was Lucy!

"Lucy!" I shrieked and ran over, grabbing her in a bear hug.

"Maggie! How are you?" she asked and hugged me back.

We got a lot of stares, you see Lucy is not nerdy at all; she dresses in really expensive clothing. It was her first day here and we look like polar opposites.

"Ughh, Maggie. What are you wearing?" she looked me up and down, disgusted.

"You know... I told you on the phone." I whispered to her. I don't want anyone knowing the real me, I want to get through school as undisturbed as possible.

Her face suddenly changed and she gave me an unapologetic look, "So-"

"Hey you there." A voice shouted. Oh god, I knew this would happen, "why are you with the nerd?"

"Because she is my best friend." Lucy answered.

The girl - Stacy - looked at her shocked, "you are best friends with... her?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?" Lucy took a threatening step forward.

"Nope. Its fine." Stacy walked away, although not after shoving me in the lockers.

"Are you ok?" asked Lucy once they had left.

"Yeah, this is a normal day for me. Right, shall we get to lessons then." I told her and walked to the classroom door.

We were the first ones there so we took seats in the middle row; the back was where they annoying people were and at the front was the people the teacher picked on most. After a while the rest of the class started filtering in.

The teacher came in and announced that there were two new students. He asked Lucy and this guy to walk up to the front and introduce themselves, they did and we got on with the lesson.

"Right, today we will be working in groups of three." He told the class.

Everyone immediately grabbed their friends and started talking between themselves.

The teacher cleared his throat and everyone looked over to him, "I will be picking the groups."

Everyone groaned and walked back to their original seats, muttering under their breaths.

"Right, I chose the groups this morning so we can get straight into it. Anything you don't finish will be GROUP homework; I don't want one person doing all the work." He picked up a scrunched up piece of paper off his desk, "Lucy, Dan and Sam. Amy, Jo and Joe. Amber, Stacey and Mitchell. Maggie, Jason and Daniel...."

Oh god, I'm with them...

# Jason's P.O.V #

After the teacher had read out the groups, Daniel looked over at me and mouthed,"This will be fun." Then walked over and took a seat next to Maggie, who instinctively flinched away from him. This was the girl from the party, I have a different schedule to her dbut now since I stopped taking history I'm in her class. I sighed, grabbed my stuff and also walked over to her desk. Daniel was in an in depth convocation about all the girls he has had sex with, whilst Maggie was checking her nails and looking bored.

"I'll do all the work, just go away." She said, glancing between us.

"But Maggie. Being with you is so much fun." Daniel replied smirking.

Maggie sighed and started hitting her head on the desk.

"What are we actually meant to do?" I asked them.

"It's on the board." Maggie replied and went back to lying on the desk while Daniel poked her.

'Write a 5 page essay on the effects of recycling polymers' well that really cleared it up for me.

"What does the thing we are meant to do mean?" I asked

"Write about the effects of recycling plastics." Daniel replied, wait he's smart?!

"Like I said before, I will do all the work. If he leaves me alone." Maggie repeated, pointing at Daniel.

"I'll make him leave you alone but we should probably do this as a group, the rest of the lesson we worked on the project and decided to go over to my house to finish it off after school.


Sorry it took so long, I was ill and had severe writers block :(

Song of the update: Polaroid - Imagine Dragons

Please comment! I need help with ideas and how to improve.

Question: How many of you guys are writing books on wattpad, not just reading them?

Dedicated to _Starbucks- for her book, Finding itself. check it out, it's really good! :D

BTW the Stacy in this chapter is a different person to the Tracy in the last chapter.

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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