15. Hanging out

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# Maggie P.O.V #

It was after school and I felt my phone vibrate 'Hey, want to meet up x' it was from Lucy.

'Sure, what do you want to do?' I texted back.

'Well Mitchell and the guys just asked if we wanted to go play laser tag with them!' She replied. I laughed when I looked at it.

'Really! Laser tag? Isn't that for kids?' I texted back.

Her reply was a simple two letter answer, 'so'. I guess she had a point, so what if it was for kids. I bet me and Lucy could take them.

'Good point ;) let's do girls vs. boys'

'I love it, they will totally underestimate us :) mwa ha ha' she replied.

"I'm outside, where are you guys?' I looked around but couldn't see any of them.

"BOO!" someone behind me yelled. I screamed and punched them.

"Ohf," they groaned, "how are you so strong Maggie?"

"Ryan! Why did you jump out on me?" I asked, hitting him.

He held up his hands in surrender, "they said it would be funny." He tilted his head, indicating behind him. I looked over and saw Mitchell, Jack and Lucy doubling over in laughter.

"Well it serves you right. Anyway, what was this I heard about laser tag?" I asked a smirk on my face.

Ryan looked at me, still slightly doubled over in pain and called the others over. "We're going to meet Jason and Tom there, and you are going to drive us."

"Do I get a say in this?" I asked. Ryan just smiled sheepishly in response.

"Fine, but I get to choose what colour me and Lucy go as." I told them.

Mitchell looked at me and had a pitying smile on his face, "you and Lucy? Are you sure you don't want one of us on your team. You know to protect you."

I just snorted; me and Lucy exchanged a look. Time to put on a show. "Mitchell, I've never done laser tag before, is there a pink team?" I asked, trying to look as innocent as u could.

I could see him holding back a laugh, "I'm sowwy Maggie I don't think they have pink. Maybe we should just go for ice cream instead?" He suggested.

I sighed, "I guess I will be red then"

I opened the doors if the car so they could get in.

I put the radio on so it was playing Justin Bieber and made sure jack, who was sitting next to me, couldn't turn it off.

We stopped at the stoplights and I saw a car full of the jocks from school next to us. My window was open so they could hear the rubbish music playing and they looked over.

I smirked, "Jack, for god sake let me change it from this horrible cat wailing." I shouted making sure they could hear me.

Jack looked over at them with a mortified expression on his face, "I swear I don't want this. She put it on." He pleaded to them.

They just smirked and drove off.

"Maggie!" Jack shouted at me. But u wasn't paying any attention to him; I was too busy dying with laughter.

"You- your- your face!" I managed to get out, "that was the funniest thing I have ever seen."

Jack just humphed and sulked the rest of the way like a five year old.

He was still sulking when we got there but now he vowed to get revenge, "I'm going to get you back for that Maggie"

I just smiled and walked over to where Mitchell was telling Jason and Tom what happened.

When Jason saw me he stopped laughing and put his arm over my shoulder, "that's my girl."

"My girl?" I questioned.

He blushed and tried to avoid the question, "oh look, were next in the queue."

I laughed at his awkward attempt but went forward to sign us up.

We booked out the arena so it was just us guys playing, it cost more and annoyed the other people there but it will be worth it.

"Right, I need you to get into teams" the man who was telling us what to do said.

"Lucy!" I yelled and ran over to her, "it's girls vs. boys'." I told the man.

He looked at us; we were two kind of short and pretty skinny girls against five tall muscley guys. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yep," I said and went over to grab our vests and guns.

"Okay then," he cleared his throat. "You guys will have thirty seconds to get set up then I will turn the guns on and you can start shooting each other. Hitting the chest is 10 points, back is 5, side is 50 and gun is 100. There are also flashing lights on the walls, if you hit them then you get lots of points."

He opened the door and let us in, "have fun, each game lasts 15 minutes."

The second he closed the door I grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her along with me.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"High ground." I told her while pulling her up the ramp with me.

I heard a weird noise and realised we could shoot now. Me and Lucy had found a great spot and we could see the whole arena.

"Look!" I pointed. I could see three green shaped walking through the high walls.

"You get front and I get back." I told her, aiming at their guns. Me and Lucy were in this to win.

I shot then and heard them shout, me and Lucy high fives and continued looking for more green targets.

"Where are you?" I heard Tom ask creepily, "were not going to hurt you. Why don't you two come out?"

I snorted and when I saw him come round d the corner I shot him.

After another five or so minutes of us picking them off they started to realise where we were. The thing is, they didn't realise we could hear them talking about an ambush.

"Ok," I heard Jason whisper, "me and Tom will be decoys and walk in front of them. Then Jack and Ryan come in from the sides and Mitchell when they leave their spot you go and take it."

I heard them all agree and signalled to Lucy that we should leave. We left our spot and waited round the corner. When we saw Jason and Tom we shot them, then we say Jack, Ryan and Mitchell start to approach our old spot and we shot them too.

This time I couldn't hold it in and I burst out laughing, they looked over and say me and Lucy standing there. We quickly ran away but I could hear them approaching.

Suddenly I was tackled to the floor and Jason was on top of me, "Lucy. Run. Leave me." I shouted after her retreating figure.

The other four guys ran after her and it was just me and Jason now. "Can you get off of me?" I asked.

He seemed to snap out of his trance and got up. Once I was up we just stood there looking at each other, he leaned forward and brushed a stray hair out of my face. I leaned forward slightly and he did the same.

Suddenly the lights went on and we both flinched back, I coughed to try and relieve the awkward air.

"Shall we go find the others?" I asked.

"Sure," he said, taking my hand and leading me towards the exit.


Hey, long time no update. Sorry, its exam season :( kill me now.

Awhh, aren't they just so cute :3

Hope you liked it.

Song of the update: Somebody to you - The Vamps

Question of the update: I changed the cover, do you like it?



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