Theo II

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Second-year in high school. I made it to the first class all the way from the fourth class. I have no idea how I did that. My grades weren't that great. I failed my math again! In my first year; I got recognized by the teachers for my creativity and perseverance. My class got the Best Decorated Class Award for several weeks in a row.

What can I say? I love art and making things look good and pretty.

I never thought my life up to this point would have changed so much already. Back when I was still Rawang, I wouldn't even go out of the house on a Saturday to meet up with friends. Over here in Petaling Jaya, I would take every opportunity I can to head down to the playground to play and meet up with the neighbors.

In a way I would conclude is that I have gotten a teensy bit braver and more sociable. Who would have thought I'd be making friends around the apartment and in school?

My third year in high school started to change. I made two new friends, Firan was super interested in K-Pop while the other, Ryan was an Anime Geek. They were in my class and they gave me a lot of funny and memorable moments

I felt a tragedy that came after paradise. My best friends Iman and Adam got into a fight, neither side would talk to each other. Both of them ended up in the same class in the third year whereas I went to the third class. I couldn't help but think that their feud was because of me; after all, I was the new boy added into the circle.

During recess, I would take turns talking to both of them. Each of them would tell me the stories that happen in their class but their stories are never with one another. I tried all I could to bring them together because I hated seeing anyone that I know being apart.

I'm sure you would want to say, some people are destined to be friends and some just weren't. I never thought about it that time despite being that kid who wanted to challenge the world's mysterious force.

Over time, they got back together as friends again, stronger than ever surprisingly. I couldn't be any happier.

It was also in my third year that I was appointed Class Monitor; halfway through the year at least. One of the Disciplinary Teachers held my class back and said,

"Unfortunately, your current class monitor is not doing a great job. Do you have anyone in mind who is suitable for the job?"

I had my fingers crossed that my classmates wouldn't choose me but all fingers were pointed at me, unfortunately. The Disciplinary Teacher looked over at me with a smile.

"Are you okay with it?" She asked. "Yeah...sure," I answered with an awkward and unwilling smile. I couldn't turn her down; at least I didn't know how to and what excuses to give.

And thus, my job as a class monitor began. I took attendance every day, locked the class doors every day, and settle any announcement that needs to be relayed to the class. Being in charge of a whole class was a whole new experience for me. I never knew how to lead; I was always more of a follower instead.

Halfway through the year, I took part in an Annual Poetry Recital Competition. Truth to be told, I hate poetry. The reason I participated was that there was an English Teacher who wanted to get a duo to enter but she couldn't choose who.

What did she do?

She grabbed my friends and I told us to write at least a line or two. She would then select from whoever she thinks has the potential to write up something good for the competition. I was chosen unfortunately because my friends didn't know what to write and ended up chatting while I came up with something that goes like this;

The Earth experiences an array of seasons

We inhabitants commit treason

A five-year-old could come up with such short two-line composition. I ended up working with a junior on a ten-stanza poem which we had to memorize within two weeks for the competition. The competition didn't go very well either. I and my junior went up and started reciting without giving any salutations to the judges and we didn't even hit five minutes.

After going through all the teams, we had to once again come up with another short impromptu poem within ten minutes. It was so hard and once again, we didn't hit the targeted time. At least, I made new friends and got to experience the sheer amount of pressure inflicted onto a person when being on stage. I never want to be on stage reciting poems ever again.

Third-year is also the year where we, students have to face our second major exam. We had two major portfolios to complete, History & Geography. I unfortunately also suck at the following subjects. We had to conduct research on the areas around our homes to figure out the history and how to further develop the land.

Luckily for me, there was a primary school right next to my apartment for me to dig some of its histories for my Portfolio. Right in front of the school was an empty plot of land and I used that as part of my Geography Portfolio.

I managed to pass my examinations with once again, decent results.

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