Theo V

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"Do you like him?" My friend asked me.

Lucas and I started hanging out a lot after Sport's Day. We talk to each other through social media all the time. We would wish each other good morning before heading to school.

I usually arrive early before the assembly starts. Early like almost a whole hour early and I'd take my nap in the cafeteria while waiting for my friends to arrive. It is usually very boring in school besides you know, hanging out with friends.

"I beat Shahril like twice in last night's PVP!" "My computer was lagging alright! It didn't count," I could hear the loud voices of my friends, chatting about last night's League of Legends game. We play every night with one another until maybe one of us gets peeved about losing every match.

We're very casual players, we play for the entertainment and fun; okay, maybe not all of us are like that. I'm super competitive when it comes to games. I can't stand being lower than anyone sometimes; especially if I know I can do better.

I was going to continue my nap until; "You guys play League of Legends too?" Lucas showed up.

"Yeah! We play it together all the time," Iman answered. "Why didn't you tell us Lucas plays, Theo?" Yang Ke shot the question at me. "Oh. I used to play with Lucas and my other Chinese friends. He still plays," I answered in a half-dazed state.

"You guys wanna play together tonight? Theo can give all of you my ID. Right, Theo?" Lucas looks over to me who was still half asleep. "Yeah sure. No problem," I answered while letting out a yawn.

"What time did you sleep yesterday? Why are you so tired?" Lucas asked, standing beside me with his shadow looming over me. "I stayed up finishing some work,"

"What work?"

I raised my head in annoyance "My writing work,"

Lucas always has a knack for asking more than he is supposed to. It gets annoying sometimes but it can't be helped.

During recess, Lucas started sitting with me and my friends. He would shift from his table of friends over to mine. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I've eaten. Just bought a bag of fries," I answered. "Is that enough for you? You should eat more," Lucas said, grabbing a fry from my hand while smiling. I gave him a stare before the bell rang.

"Come on, Jaren. Time to go," "You go ahead first. I need to look for Daniel," Jared said as he walked off, looking for his friend.

"Alright, see you in class then," I walked on alone before Lucas caught up to me. "Don't you need to do your duties as a prefect?" I asked.

"I'm not on duty during recess," Lucas replied. He walked me up to my class and hugged me before leaving. When I turned around, most of my friends were staring at me but no questions were asked.

Lucas talking to me in the early morning before assembly, joining me for recess at the same table, walking me to class, it all became a normal routine for a few weeks.

"Theo, are you going to come for our International Understanding Day?" My junior asked me. International Understanding Day is an event held annually by the Interact Clubs to celebrate understanding of the many walks of life. That's all I know honestly.

"Sure, I'll definitely come," I answered. I try my best to support as many school events as I can. I usually like attending events like this with my friends but none of my close friends are big fans of showing school spirit; excluding Jaren and Lucas.

"Do you want to go to the event?" I asked Lucas. He accepted and even offered to drive me there as well. Lucas picked me up from our neighboring school because I had another event before attend to.

I texted Lucas to let him know I was done with my event and I went to wait for him at the school's gate. I was looking around for Lucas until I saw him waiting for me in a distance. He was leaning against the railing of a bus stop, tapping away on his phone.

From afar, Lucas looked very dreamy; like a Korean drama male protagonist came alive. I was stunned for a while before walking up to him.

"Why would you stand there, leaning against the railing like that?!"

"What's wrong with that?" Lucas asked while driving me home for a quick change of clothes before heading back to school for International Understanding Day.

"You look like a male lead protagonist from a Korean Drama leaning against the railing," I said softly while looking out of the window.

"So what? You like me now?" Lucas asked while breaking into a laugh. "Are you crazy? Why would I like you?" I answered but, in my mind, "I can't believe I like this idiot now,"

Arriving at my home, we quickly showered and change to get ready to head out again. Lucas changed to a dark blue hoodie and I chose to wear my green hoodie just to match with him.

I'm not entirely sure why I did that also.

It was a matter of time before my friends started interrogating me on the whole situation.

"Ms. Em is on a short break?"

"Yeah. She won't be in for a few weeks. What is going between you and Lucas?" Patrick asked while looking at me.

"What do you mean what's going on? Nothing is going on," I answered while avoiding eye contact.

"Both of you have been chatting a lot with each other, sharing each other's stories, and even spending time with one another in school," Patrick said.

"Do you have fantasies about him?!"

"NO! You know I'm not that kind of person," I answered loudly.

Patrick pulled his chair closer to me "Do you like him?"

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