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"You want me to go to the annual camp again?"

The annual school camp for the leaders of the school's clubs and societies is here again.

"I'm sorry but I can't go. I've attended too many camps last year," I had to decline going for the camp. I've attended too many camps in the previous year that my mom has told me to stop attending.

"Are you going for the camp?" Lucas texted me and asked.

"I can't go, unfortunately. Too many camps in last year so I'm not allowed to go anymore,"

"Wish you could go honestly," Lucas replied.

This year, the annual school camp was combined with the Prefectorial camp. The leaders of clubs and societies have to go plus all the prefects in the school. I wouldn't go if I could anyway. I don't have a liking towards prefect. To me, they are just not my type of people to be around with.

Unfortunately for me, a lot of my close friends are prefects. There's always a love-hate relationship. I work with prefects a lot in school; not because I like them but it's because my close friends are prefects and I'm helping out friends.

"Thank you so much, Theo, for helping us out," Ms. Awina said as she started briefing about the preparations for Teacher's Day.

This year, Teacher's Day is single-handedly planned by students only; with maybe, just a few teachers involved rather than the whole staff room. I'd say it is a good idea for the students to handle planning Teacher's Day. After all, we are appreciating the teachers.

The Prefectorial Board is the main committee behind the momentous occasion. I am one of those extra students roped in to help. There was a lot to do and prepare.

"Oh no! We've run out of gold garlands! Lucas! Can you drive me to the store and get some more?" One of the committee members asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Lucas said as he left for his car immediately. "I'll wait for you at the gate,"

"Theo! Can you follow me?" One of the Year 6 girls asked me.

"Oh? Yeah sure! No problem," I followed along. I sat in the backseat of Lucas's car because I didn't want to give any signal that Lucas and I could be lovey-dovey.

"What do we need again exactly?" I asked the committee member. "We need some manila paper; at least ten rolls. We also need gold garlands,"

After a near twenty minutes, we finally got everything, we needed. "We should probably get some food for the rest back at school as well. They are working hard for this event,"

We stopped by Mcdonald's to order a few dozen burgers to bring back to school. Lucas and I stood at the side waiting for our orders to be completed. "This is taking quite long," The committee member said while continuously checking out the time.

"Can you not stand so close to me?" I said while stretching out my hand, keeping Lucas at a distance. As much as I like Lucas, I'm still very shy around him. I don't know how to act around someone who knows about my feelings towards them and still continue to act all lovey.

"Why? Are you shy?" Lucas asked with a smile. "You..." I was going to raise my hand and give Lucas a slap on the shoulder but I realize that it wasn't the best appropriate action out in public. Lucas always had a great smile; it makes me happy seeing his smile.

"You two seem to get along very well,"

"I've known him since first year and he's still short and filthy-mouthed," I said as I pinched Lucas's arm.

Teacher's Day was a huge success. The celebration was festive, the teachers were happy and so were the students. I even got to be part of my last fashion show in school with the teachers.

"Wow! You look really handsome," Lucas complimented. I smiled in reply.

Right after Teacher's Day was the Annual School Camp with the Prefectorial Board. Lucas was leaving for a camp for the whole weekend. Lucas came over to my house to spend some time together before leaving for camp.

"Let me lie down for a while. I'll be leaving in a while more," Lucas said as he laid his head down on my lap. "Make sure you've got everything you need for the camp," I said as I gently brush Lucas's hair.

Our time together that day wasn't long but it was worth spending it together. Before Lucas left, we gave each other a long hug. On his journey to the campsite, he took a nap on the bus; I took a nap at home.

When I woke up, I felt a pain in my chest. I woke up to see a message from Lucas. "I'm on the bus already. I'll be taking a nap. Call you later when I arrive,"

My heart was aching. My eyes were heavy. I wanted to see Lucas. I want to hold his hand, hug him; I just want to see him, Lucas. That's when I realize I really do like Lucas. I just really really did like him. It was the first time for me.

Lucas despite having a dirty mind and filthy mouth is very hardworking. During our daily conversations, we often talk about our dreams and ambitions. I told Lucas I wanted to pursue Psychology because I wanted to understand emotions and how the human brain works. I told him too I wanted to be a writer because writing helps me connect to the world. Lucas wanted to be part of the airline field. He told me he considers to be a pilot or a steward. Lucas's parents however think it's dangerous for him to be a pilot and encouraged him to opt for a steward or cabin crew instead.

I like Lucas. I want him to stay here. Lucas wanted to work in Singapore Airlines. He'd be gone for a long time. I want him to stay here and never leave but; I couldn't possibly ask him to give up on his dreams. Lucas once said

"Since you like helping people, you can study to be a cabin crew as well. We'll be together then,"

People say, if you really love someone, you have to let them go. 

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