Theo I

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"We're moving to a new place," Mom said.

Everyone started packing; the couch, tables, chairs, the books on the shelf, the computer, the bed, everything.

The house was filled with boxes and almost every piece of furniture and object in sight was bubble-wrapped. "Do we really have to leave?" I asked, feeling reluctant and not the least motivated to even pack.

"It'll be easier for me to leave for work and I found a better school for you," Mom answered. Honestly speaking, I haven't started high school. I merely graduated primary with decent results and I was looking forward to making some memories with my old friends but looks like it won't be happening.

From a small town in Rawang, we're moving to Petaling Jaya. We moved into the same apartment where my Aunt lives. It's not big but it fits the family and it'll need some getting used to as well. A double-story terrace to an apartment seems like a downgrade but I'm always someone who likes trying out new things; as long as they are not dangerous and fatal of course.

The new house isn't bad at all. We got everything unpacked within two days and next thing you know; we're living comfortably already. I no longer share a room with my parents, instead, I share a room with my older brother instead. My older sister has a room of her own and my parents get the master bedroom.

Everything was going smoothly until I couldn't go to school. It's not like I was sick or crippled. My application unfortunately was rejected because the school was full. I thought luck was on my side because I didn't like the idea of going to an all-boys school in the first place. Why? Because I had a very feminine-like personality. I didn't like playing football, marching, getting dirty, loud noises, and a lot of other things. I just wasn't like them. Attending an all-boys school would mean I have to put up a tough boy act in front of people every day.

My mom looked for different alternatives for me. We found an international school and I somehow passed the entrance evaluation. My academic capabilities were never my stronghold. I am terrible at math and science. We brought home the books needed for class and even the uniform. I was so ready to start a new school life but my mom had second thoughts.

"The school is a bit too far and we don't have transport to send you to school either. There are no nearby train stations or buses that you are familiar with. I am going to try and reapply for the previous school again,"

So, my mom did go to the previous school again to once again get me admitted. I followed this time. Miraculously, I got in! There was an empty slot all of a sudden. "When can my son start?" My mom asked.

"He can start today. School starts in the afternoon," The receptionist said. I was excited! I am finally going to school after a week delay however it didn't occur to me that my first day was a Friday and the school doesn't start until after the Friday prayers.

I arrived at school around 12 p.m and I wandered the grounds for several rounds. I didn't have any friends and I didn't particularly know how to make new friends at that time either. I was really lost and very shy. In the course of waiting, some Chinese boys came up to me and started talking to me. They probably didn't recognize me as a familiar face.

When assembly started, I still didn't know which class I belong to. I picked up the courage and approached a teacher and asked.

"Uhm, good afternoon Miss. I am new here and I don't know which class I'm supposed to go to even after submitting the papers to the office,"

She told me to just join in the first class's line and she'll get me sorted out later and so I did. I entered the first class and it was really awkward. The class monitor came and greeted me but asked quite a particular question.

"Why'd you join this school?" He asked.

"Because I think it's a great school?" I answered with a smile. That is at least what my mom told me. She did her research and she said the school was known for quite a reputation of bullies but it's seen better light since the change in teachers and management.

"Well, it's not," He replied to me.

I was surprised by his response. I didn't know what to say but thank goodness I didn't have to think any further. A teacher came in and told me they've finally settled on a class for me. I was moved from the first class to the fourth class. I met a lot of friends there, some nice, some not so nice while some are straight-up jerks.

I met this boy, Lucas Yang. He is a year older than me but he is a complete jerk. He has a filthy mouth that curses nonstop and he doesn't seem to understand that they are things that shouldn't be pointed out.

"Are you sure you're in the right school? Your personality is like a girl! Yknow, the all-girls school is just across the street,"

I was infuriated! How rude can a person get?! That's why I didn't like being in this school in the first place. To fit in with everyone else, I have to act like them. If I were to be my true self, I would only get teasing.

My first year swung by fast and I was already in my second year. I made even more new friends and this time, there were friends who were just like me. Our personalities complement one another and we got along so well. Life just seems to be all good now.

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