Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Part 6!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 2

Part: 3


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



~Forest, Night~

The group had built a campfire while Dean drew something in the dirt around the campsite while Haley poked at the fire.

"One more time, that's-"

"Anasai symbols. It's for protection. The wendigo cant cross over them." ((Feels like we missed a scene, but thats how it is in the script. Sam almost says its a wendigo, and then skips to Dean saying its a wendigo. Makes no sense but I'm rolling with it))

Roy laughed, gun over his shoulder.

"Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy." Dean headed over to sit next to Sam, who was at the edge of the campsite. "You wanna tell me what's going on it that freaky head of yours?"

While the brothers talked, (M/n) was sitting at the fire, looking at the flames. 

He should say something. He knew John wasn't stupid. What if they find him and he already knew what the male was? What of he tried to kill him? It was a mess he never intended on getting into.

Suddenly a twig snapped.

"Help me! Please!"

Dean and (M/n) stood and readied their guns.


Sam shined a flashlight around.

"He's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put.""

"Inside the magic circle?"

"Help! Help me!" Then it growled. 

Roy pointed his gun at the sound. "Okay, that's no grizzly."

"No, really?" (M/n) asked sarcastically. 

"It's okay. You'll be all right, I promise." Haley told Ben, then (M/n) stepped infront of them to protect them both. Something rushed behind them and the girl shrieked.

"It's here."

Roy shoots at the rustling, then again. "I hit it!" He went to run after it.

"Roy, no! Roy!"

Dean turned to (M/n). "Protect them." The male nodded.

Dean and Sam ran after Roy. 

"It's over here! It's in the tree!"

The wendigo reached down from the tree and snapped his neck.



"I dont...I mean, these types of things, they aren't supposed to be real." Haley said, as all of them sat among the tents.

"I wish I could tell you different." Dean said.

"How do we know it's not out there watching us?"

"It's not. We're safe for now." (M/n) said, Dean gave him a look.

"How do you know about this stuff?"

Dean thought for a moment. "Kind of runs in both of our family's."

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