Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Part 12!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 5

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom. 

(Note: I have no clue how to fight, never did it in my life. So when it comes to fighting terms or fighting in general I'm pulling stuff out my ass. If anything is wrong, sorry not sorry)



~(M/n)'s House, Morning~

Heavy breathing rang through the room. Sweat dripping off the males face.

(M/n) was in his training room, keeping up with his hand to hand combat. 

After the nights events with Sam, he wondered if he was getting way over his head. Whatever it is that was after the Winchesters, he had no clue. He didn't indulge in the other demons business. 

He did what he was supposed to do and life went on. He made a name for himself in hell and earth. Hunters feared him, but they didn't know what he looked like or where'd he'd be. Demons also feared him. He was known to not show any mercy.

He had stopped what he was doing and stood there, hands on hips. His breath quickly came back.

"What are you doing down here?" A voice came from behind him. He turned quickly to see Dean entering the room.

"Gotta keep up with my skills. If I'm to help you guys find your father and the thing that killed your mother and Jessica, can't be slacking." (M/n) replied.

"Mind if I train with you? Like good ol' times." Dean asked. Him and the boy used to do training as kids. Majority of the time (M/n) won, sometimes Dean won, but now he wondered if the boy let him win. Out of the two, Dean had (M/n) by height and weight. But he was just human. 

"Sure." They walked to a mat and got in ready stance.

"Don't go easy on me." Dean said, smirking.

"If you think you can handle it, Winchester." 

Dean rushed towards (M/n) who moved out the way, grabbing Dean's arm and pulled him towards him and kneed him in the stomach. Dean crumpled to the floor trying to gain his breath again.

(M/n) crouched down next to his head. "You went down faster then I thought."

"Screw you." Dean glared as he got up. Determined to win.

After what seemed like forever of Dean getting his ass handed to him, Dean was on his stomach on the mat, flailing with the demon sitting on his back. Keeping him pinned there.

"You give up yet?" (M/n) chuckled.

"This isn't fair!" Dean whined.

"Whats sad is Im not using all my strength. If I were to do that, you'd be dead." 

Dean stopped flailing and just took defeat. 

"Hey, (M/n)?" He asked.

"Hmm?" The other male hummed.

"Do you really not know who killed our mom?" Dean asked. There was silence, then he felt the weight lift off of him.

"No. I don't. I dont pay attention to the others. I do my job and come home. I could care less on what the others do." (M/n) had a blank expression.

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