Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Part 7!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 3

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom




Dean was sitting at a table, mostly an empty infront of him. He was looking at obituaries in a newspaper, circling some.

One about a family who's daughter died in a tragic swimming accident caught his attention. An attractive waitress walked up to him.

"Can I get you anything else?"

He looked up and grinned while still chewing on a pen.

"Just the check, please." (M/n) said as him and Sam walked up.

"Okay." She walked away. Dean dropped his head, then looked at (M/n).

"You know, (N/n), we are allowed to have fun one in a while." The oldest pointed at the girl. "That's fun."

(M/n) looked behind his shoulder. "Eh, not really my type."

Dean gave him a look, then put the newspaper infront of the two. "Here, take a look at this. Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week Sophie Carlton, 18, walks into a lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water. Nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found either. They had a funeral two days ago."

"A funeral?"

"Yeah, it's weird, they buried an empty coffin. For, uh, closure or whatever."

"Closure? What closure? People dont just disappear, Dean." Sam argued.

"People deal with death in different ways." (M/n) said.

"Is there something you wanna say, Sam?" The Winchester asked his brother.

"The trail for dad. It's getting colder every day."

"Exactly. So what are we supposed to do?"

"I dont know. Something. Anything."

"You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You dont think I wanna find dad as much as you do?"

"Yeah, I know you do, it's just-"

"Oh my god, you two are like an old married couple. You fight more then my parents did." (M/n) said. "We'll find John one way or another."

Sam looked down. "Right. So Lake Manitoc, how far is it?"

~Carlton house~

Dean knocked on a door. A young man opened it. 

"Will Carlton?"

"Thats right."

"I'm Agent Ford. This is Agent Hamill and Agent (Enter Name). We're with the US Wildlife Service." He held up an ID.

Another man was sitting on a  bench on the dock. Will brought the three to the dock.

"She was about a hundred yards out. That's where she got dragged out."

"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" (M/n) asked.

"She practically grew up in that lake. She was as safe out there as in her own bathtub."

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