Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Part 11!

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Hey! Hope ya'll are having a good day. I think I'm gonna try to make sundays my upload days. Its the best day for me and I've been motivated lately. 

I've also been obsessed with Ghost from Call of Duty, so that doesnt help. Might do a fanfic or something for him in the future. I say this as I still wanna do a fanfic of Kylo from Star Wars and maybe try to dip my toes in The Boys universe. Trying to start a fanfic without a script to look at is hard for me. I write these so easily cuz I got something to look at to make it accurate. The other fandoms I'm terrified of getting something wrong and someone yelling at me for it. But we'll see what the future holds.

Think I'll play around with the ideas till I'm 100% confident. For now I'll stick with Supernatural.



Episode: Season 1 Episode Filler

(I'm gonna do a new thing and if I dont do an episode and stray alittle from it, I'm gonna put filler for the episode. If I skip and episode with a filler, I will also put that. After this part it will continue with episode 5)

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS EPISODE.



~(M/n)'s House~

After the Winchester's found out his secret from that lowly demon, who he'd love to torture, he invited them to his house and answer any questions they had.

As they went up the long driveway, the house tucked in the middle of the woods, Sam's mouth fell open in surprise at the huge gorgeous house with variety of nice vehicles in the driveway. On the house were a bunch of symbols, like he was keeping things out.

"This is your house?" Sam asked.

"Yep." (M/n) said, getting out the Impala, walking to the house. 

"How'd you- What do you- How?" Sam stumbled his words. This was fancy, even for him.

"Being a higher level demon can get you places. Plus alot of my deals are wealthy men hoping to snag some hot chick or the one woman that works for them but wants nothing to do with them." Sam watched the male unlocked the double doors, and open it. Dean walking inside. "I take their money after having my fun with them." The male smiled, he didn't need to explain to Sam what he did. He could already guess.

As Sam walked in he was met with a gorgeous foyer. A large living room with anything you'd find in a luxury home. Connected to it was a large kitchen, an island in the middle of the room. On a wall was a cabinet full of alcohol, which Dean was helping himself too one of the bottles of expensive liquors.

Sam wondered around, taking in everything. (M/n) slowly following. The tall Winchester noticed there was no pictures on the walls. No family pictures. No pictures of pets. No childhood pictures. Not even pictures of random art. The walls were bare. There werent even mirrors.

"Why dont you have any pictures of family?" Sam asked, already knowing the answer.

"Mothers been dead for years. My older brother has been gone. My father isn't too fond of me. He's busy his own thing. I do my own."

Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Season 1!Where stories live. Discover now