Sam Winchester x Male!Reader Part 15!

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Howdy, it's been awhile. Thought I could use  alittle escape from the world and do some writing. its been a hectic month for me. Adjusting to parenthood, getting the house ready, and regular adult anxieties with not working and not going back till after the new year. So yeah, thought I'd revisit this fanfic and kinda go into my own little world for a few minutes. 

And before anyone asks, my babies are doing great. Delivery was fast and sudden(and when I say fast, I mean FAST. Not enough time to process it was happening) It went successfully. They are a few months early, so they just gotta develop, but they are some strong babies and doing very well for preemie's 


Episode: Season 1 Episode 6

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

(D/n) = Demon Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



"Its ok. Its ok." A police officer said to a girl, she pointed to the room across the hall.

"In there! In there!" The S.W.A.T. team moved to the other room. The man was standing there, trying to open a pair of doors leading to a balcony.

"Freeze! Dont move! Drop the knife. Keep your hands where I can see 'em. Drop it! Hold it right there! Do it!" The man turned around. It was Dean.

~Gas Station, one week earlier~

The Impala pulled into a gas staion.

"Alright, I figure we'd hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight." Dean said, Sam didn't respond. "Sam wears women's underwear." The boy in the back chuckled at that.

"I've been listening, I'm just busy." He was checking his emails on his phone.

"Busy doin' what?"

"Reading e-mails." Dean got out of the car and started to fill the gas tank of the car. 

"Emails from who?"

"From my friends at Stanford."

"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?"

"Why not?"

"Well, what exactly do you tell 'em? You know, about where you've been, what you've been doin?"

"I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and a childhood friend. I tell 'em I needed some time off after Jess." Sam said. The male in the back leaned to the front seat of the Impala, leaning to see read some of Sam's emails. 

"Oh, so you lie to them."

"No. I just dont tell them.....Everything."

"Yeah, that's called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it, telling the truth is far worse."

"So, what am i supposed to do, just cut everbody out of my life?" Dean shrugged. "You're serious?"

"Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can't get close to people, period."

"You're kind of anti-social, you know that?"

"Yeah, whatever." Dean looked at (M/n). "What about you? Got any friends we dont know about?"

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