Fourty Six:

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December 28
12:09 pm

"Everything's going great you're right on track to be released tomorrow" the doctor told meechie as I walked into his room, with my hands in the pockets of my work pants. As she walked out of the room she gave me a smile so I smiled back before going to sit down

"Why you ain at work?" He asked while using the remote to flip through the channels on the tv

"I'm actually on break so I came up here to see how you were doing"

"I'm straight"

I looked at him some type of way and I'm guessing he could tell I didn't believe it so he laughed

"Forreal Kay"

"Well I'm pretty sure they told you the police got to that kj boy before anybody else could. One of shys neighbors caught his license plate on his security camera and turned it into the police"

"Nah they need to let his ass out"

"Nooo, just let the law handle it. Y'all doing good and we don't need anymore setbacks. Plus I doubt he ever get out. On the website he got hella charges. Violating probation, carrying a gun illegally, discharging the gun, attempted murder, violating curfew, possession, possession with the intent to sell.... the list kept going. And you would think he would've been smarter than that being that he just recently got out"

Meechie shook his head and I grabbed his hand

"I'm so happy you okay brother. You had us scared for a minute"

"I ain going nowhere. You know that. I gotta keep tellin Ari the same shit"

"Where she at?"

"I made her leave.. she been sitting up here with me and only be away from me long enough to go wash, use the bathroom or eat. I told her to go relax or some. I'm straight"

"Awee she just worried meechie. That's how I was with benji. It's just a natural thing especially when you just saw the person you love just laid out bleeding from being shot"

"Lemme ask you a serious question though.."

I rose my eyebrow "YOU? Asking a serious question?"

Meechie laughed and nodded "yeah."

I leaned forward wanting to hear this

"What is it?"

" ever got to the point where you feel like it was too much for you to deal with, as far as benji, and thought about leaving"

"Feeling like it was too much for me to deal with... yeah. I though that ALLLLL the time but thinking about leaving him? No. Now I could see if he wasn't tryina do better for himself or tryina do right by me then I would've been like what's the point of staying.. what made you ask that?"

He shook his head

"You think Ari might think it's too much?"

"Honestly ion know. I just be wondering if she feel like that cause I really do love my girl and I ain tryina lose her"

"Meechie Ari ain going nowhere. I can promise you that. That girl loves you so much. If she wanted to leave she would've had the opportunity to when you got shot but instead she stayed up here by your side the entire time. I stayed on the phone with here 80% of Christmas Day to make sure she was good and all she talked about was you and her plans for y'all after you get better"

"Plans for us?"

"Yup" I nodded "so if you plan on going to your own house after you get out.. I regret to inform you but you taking that ass to her place. She probably over there cleaning up for you right now instead of relaxing"

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