Fifty Six:

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March 11
1:30 pm

"Bitch you still working? Ain you supposed to be on break?" Mj asked while I sat with her on FaceTime

"Girl I am 8 months pregnant with a fat ass baby. I'm not moving out this chair unless I really need to. I gotta snicker bar or two"

Mj laughed while looking at the road again

"And where you going?"

"I'm going to check on my nephew since he got hurt at school yesterday"

"What nephew?"

Mj looked down at the camera "you would know if you would actually talk to ya sister"

"Don't do that mj. That girl ain got shit to say to me nomore. She came up here yesterday tryina start shit"

"To your job?"

"Yeah! Talkin bout I disrespected her momma. How did I disrespect her? All I said was I'd rather take advice from somebody that actually gave birth to a child."

"Milani.. no you didn't say that"


"Why would you say that? That was disrespectful as hell"

"How is that disrespectful Mary?"

"Cause you know Kay momma do a lot for any and everybody. Especially you. After what yo momma did to that lady and she still took care of not only Kay but you too so you could be where you at right now. She the reason why you doing good right now and you gone tell her something like that. At this point I'm convinced you don't care about having a relationship witcho sister cause you steady finding ways to fuck it up"

"Me fucking up my relationship with my sister?" I asked with a laugh then nodded "oh so you kissing karma ass too?"

Mj frowned up her face "how im kissing her ass by telling the truth"

"Cause y'all trying so hard to prove that Kay so innocent when she ain't. Everybody tryina cancel out my feelings and shit just to make her feel better but fuck that"

"Milani Ain nobody canceling out ya feelings. I'm just saying the truth and truth is you cut your sister off for nothing. Instead you listening to scooter of all people. The same scooter you barely gave a fuck about"

"When did I ever barely give a fuck about my nigga Mary. Be forreal"

"When you was fuckin benji cousin while you was supposed to be in a relationship with scooter"

"Don't even do that. But you know what, it's cool. But you going so hard for somebody that barely fuck witchu to spend more time witcho replacement"

"Whatchu mean lani? I talk to Kay just as much as I've always talk to her. I got my own business and my own life and she got her job, family and own life too. Ion trip about not talking to her all the time because I know if I really need her she's there. I'm not childish like you. But you know what, ima just leave it at that right now because I love you and I know you been hormonal as hell this entire pregnancy so ima talk to you later" she told me before hanging up the phone

I kinda tossed my phone down on the desk as Mr lakes walked into the room with his daughter Yasmine behind him and she carried her book bag like she just came straight from school

"Milani you already know my daughter Yasmine, she gets out of school early now so when she comes from school she will come to the office to help you out"

I looked over at her while she went to the table on the other side of the room, sat her book bag down on it and sat in the chair looking like she didn't wanna be here

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