Fourty Nine:

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February 14
7:02 am

"Come on Azaria. Your daddy should be here any minute" I called for Azaria who just HAD to make sure she looked her best for school today. She ran into the living room smiling and stopped in front of me so I could take her hair scarf off revealing her newly done ponytails

"Do I look cute?"

I laughed and nodded "you look beautiful mama"

I could hear a knock on the door so I went to answer it knowing it was Keyshawn. When I opened the door he walked in holding a bunch of shit

"Happy Valentine's Day princess" he told Azaria before he crouched down, giving her a hug and kiss before giving her some balloons, a bear and some candy

"Thank you daddy. Hold on, I'm gonna go put this in my room" she said as she kissed his cheek again before going to her room and Keyshawn stood back up, handing me some flowers and a thing of edible arrangements


"It ain nothing like that, I promise.. it just... this is my way of showing my appreciation, even though I might be late showing it"

"Well, thank you.. you didn't have to do this" I told him before giving him a friendly hug as Azaria walked back into the living room

"I'm ready now"

"Alright baby girl. Let's go"

"I'll see you later momma" she gave me a hug

"Alright.. we still on for tonight?" I asked her, referring to the mother daughter date we have on Valentine's Day every Valentine's Day and Azaria nodded

"Yes but remember. No Alfredo this time"

"Okay then"

Keyshawn smiled at her while opening the door "alright let's go before you be late to school"

"Have fun at school Azaria"

"I will" she responded before leaving and Keyshawn followed her out of the house. Once they were gone I looked at the stuff he gave me, went into the kitchen and sat it down on the counter

Keyshawn has changed a lot... and I can tell, however even though I say that I can't hate him... because I don't.... I just can't get over the shit he did to me. He has put me through hell since Azaria was born and I wanna forgive him but... I don't know honestly

I started to clean up, starting with the kitchen since I was in here already then made my way to the living room and bathroom. Just as I finished the bathroom I hard a knock on the door

"Why did he come back?" I asked myself , already assuming it was Keyshawn. I took the gloves off and went to the door

Once I opened it, it's like my whole mood went down south and also to surprise because Keyshawn's ex, Stasia was standing there looking damn near 6 months pregnant

"London.." she said my name with a breath, however I couldn't manage to say anything so she started talking again "look. I know we don't get along and I know you probably hate me but... I REALLY need to talk to you right now. Woman to woman"

I just looked her up and down before sighing "what?"

She rubbed her lips together before talking

"I um... I heard Keyshawn is home"

"And you came to me because"

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