01, six months later

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AFTER SIX MONTHS of what Trinity considered to be pure hell, she could barely feel a thing

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AFTER SIX MONTHS of what Trinity considered to be pure hell, she could barely feel a thing. She was pretty sure she had a cut on her leg that was most definitely bleeding, but she just continued to stare at the back of the head of the immune in front of her. Next to her was Minho, was had a numb look on his face as well. Trinity couldn't remember the last time she heard his voice. They were kept in different cells and that just made everything absolute worst.

She had lost concept of time. It had to at least be a couple months since she was Daphne, right? It felt like way too long to only be a couple—

Days. 182 days to be exact, the amount of days that had past since Daphne had seen her sister. 6 months or 182 days or 4,368 hours.

It had been a rough 182 days. Daphne hoped that Trinity wasn't aware of how long it's been.

"Daphne!" Thomas screamed and the girl looked at him immediately, her thoughts being interrupted. "Don't you dare get in your head now, Daph, not when this plan of yours is finally happening!"

"Don't worry," Daphne shook her head, smiling slightly. "I'm here."

Thomas lifted his walkie-talkie, yelling, "Brenda, we're coming up behind. Keep 'em busy!"

He sat in the passenger seat of a Right Arm car while Vince drove, Daphne sitting in the back. Vince gripped the steering wheel tighter before he shouted, "Hang on!"

Grabbing the back of the two seats for support, Daphne took a deep breath as the car got closer and closer to the back of a WICKED train. A train that apparently had Trinity and Minho in it. The car jumped up before landing on the tracks and Vince looked at the two teenagers, "This is crazy!"

"Don't look at me, she's the one who came up with the plan!" Thomas reminded and Daphne rolled her eyes with a smile. The boy grabbed the outside of the car, before hopping on to the front. He held his hand out, shouting, "Come on, Daph."

Taking Thomas's hand, she was pulled on to the front of the car. Daphne held on to the top of the car, trying not to fall off as Vince drove faster, getting closer to the rear of the train.

"Get closer!" Daphne yelled as Thomas took out a large hook, holding it out. He stood up slowly before slamming the hook on the back of the train. Daphne smiled as Thomas jumped on to the train, quickly helping her on afterwards.

"Come on, Vince!" Thomas exclaimed and the man jumped on to the front of the car, doing his best to keep his balance. Daphne held on to the ladder on the train, Thomas standing next to her as they both turned around to see one of the wheels pop off the car.

"Vince!" They both shouted as the man fell over before standing back up, jumping on to the train just as the hook fell apart. Daphne sighed in relief, Thomas shouting, "Let's go!"

She climbed up the ladder, holding her arms out when she made it to the top of the train. Thomas stood next to Daphne and she shrugged, "Maybe this is a little crazy."

"Too late to turn back now." Thomas smirked and Daphne smiled, nodding.

"Hey, berg!" Vince screamed and the two turned around, seeing a berg-jet flying towards them.

"You have got to be kidding," Daphne pulled out her walkie-talkie. "Brenda, you got company!"

"Thomas, Daph, you're on your own. Don't die." Brenda warned through the walkie.

"Good luck!" Thomas replied and looked at Daphne and Vince. "We gotta move."

The three ran down the roofs of the train carts, jumping from cart to cart carefully. Thomas held his arm out, stopping Daphne when the pair noticed the group of WICKED soldiers running towards them in single file. Eyes wide, Daphne mumbled, "Shit."

"We'll be fine," Thomas patted her shoulder as Vince hopped down between the two carts. Daphne handed him the bag before Thomas took out two guns, handing her one. "Let's hope target practice pays off."

"Let's hope." Daphne repeated and the two jumped down between the carts, standing in front of Vince. They lifted their guns, beginning to fire at the soldiers while Vince worked on separated the carts.

"Vince!" Thomas shouted, turning back to look at the man.

"We're set, take cover!" He screamed and Daphne looked down to see the small bomb shoved between the two carts. She jumped to the side of the train, holding on to the ladder and Thomas joined her, covering both of their heads with his arms. The part of the train they were on slowly came to a stop and Thomas and Daphne hopped down, smiling. "Part one executed perfectly."

"Well, I did come up with the plan." Daphne shrugged before Thomas whistled.

A smile rose to Daphne's face when Newt appeared behind a rock along with two other Right Arm boys. She waved her hands, yelling, "Newt!"

He ran towards them as Daphne ran to the other side of the train, screaming at the top of her lungs, "Trinity! Trin!"

And for the first time in she didn't even know how long, Trinity felt something. Her eyes opened and her and Minho turned to each other, smiling slightly as they heard Thomas and Daphne yelling their names. They grabbed on to their chains, screaming.

"Hey darling," Newt looked at Daphne and the brunette smiled. "Which one?"

"This one," Thomas pointed at the cart in front of them and Daphne's smile grew bigger, knowing her sister was close. Newt slipped off his backpack and took out some wielding equipment. He put on his goggles and looked at Daphne, who laughed, making him smile. She ran over to Thomas and Vince, who were looking at the group of soldiers that were beginning to run towards them.

"Shit, it's gonna be close." Vince warned.

"We can do it." Daphne promised, a hopeful look on her face. "It'll work."

"How do you know?" Thomas questioned.

"Because it has to." She whispered.

"Good enough for me." He shrugged and Daphne nodded, the two climbing up to the roof of the cart. Newt continued to wield, trying to separate the cart from the wheels. Daphne and Thomas began to help Vince put hooks on the four corners of the cart. "Newt, how you doing?"

"Don't rush me." He replied.

"Let the man work." Daphne smiled, shrugging at Thomas before WICKED soldiers began to fire bullets at them. She quickly ducked, laying on the top of the cart, "Newt, hurry the shuck up!"

Daphne took out her gun as Thomas did the same, the two beginning to shoot while Vince finished up the ropes. He jumped down the cart, taking out his own gun, "Newt, go!"

The blond climbed up the cart, meeting Daphne and Thomas on the roof. Daphne looked at him and tugged him on to the ground so he wouldn't get shot, "Nice of you to join us."

"Where the hell are they?" Newt asked.

"I don't know." Thomas replied and three looked up when a berg began to fly above them.

"That's them." Daphne confirmed as the hook form the berg began to lower and the others climbed up on the roof.

"Vince, get up here!" Newt yelled as he, Thomas, and Daphne pulled the hook down, attaching it to the cart.

"We're good!" Daphne screamed towards the berg, giving them a thumbs up. The berg began to fly up, lifting the train cart up with them. Newt wrapped an arm across Daphne's chest, pulling her to his chest to keep both their balance and she smiled.

"Nice plan, Daph." Vince said as he climbed on the roof of the cart.

"Perfectly executed," Daphne shrugged with a grin as she and Newt hugged tightly.

"We're going home!"

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