13, let her go

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LETTING GO HAD TO BE one of the hardest things a human could

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LETTING GO HAD TO BE one of the hardest things a human could. Even when hugging Minho, Daphne didn't let go of Trinity's hand. Her face was cold from tears as more wind flew into the room through the broken window. Her entire body was filled with pain and she hasn't even gotten out all the sobs she wanted to, but Daphne could no longer cry. She couldn't let go of her sister's hand, because then she would have to let her go.

Wiping her tears from her face, Daphne looked down at her sister. She stopped tears from reaching her eyes, shaking her head before she let go of Trinity's hand. Grabbing a gun off the floor, the group looked at her and Daphne opened her mouth to speak but another voice was heard.

"Thomas? Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me." Teresa's voice was heard throughout the last city through the speakers, making everyone turn their heads. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back. Thomas, Daphne, you can save Newt. There's still time for him. Daphne, you know that. There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore. It's your blood."

"I already knew." Daphne mumbled, crossing her arms as she glanced out the window, seeing multiple explosions and fires covering the city. She walked over to Trinity's bedside, grabbing her file and handing it to Gally. "Keep it safe."

"Do you understand? She isn't sick, because you, Thomas. cured her. She doesn't have to be the only one. All you have to do is come back. And this will all finally be over. Please. Just come back to me."

"Get Newt on jet." Daphne told the group, her hand tightening around her gun before she took one last look at Trinity. Her heart beat with pain and she walked out of the room.

"Daphne, where are you going?" Minho shouted before Thomas grabbed a gun.

"I'll get her, just get Newt." Thomas told him and Gally and followed Daphne.


Ava Paige stood in the main WICKED building, looking out at the destruction of the city that she watched others build from the ground.

"My sister is dead." She turned around to see Daphne pointing a gun at her, a numb look on her face as she walked towards her.

"What?" Paige questioned and Daphne resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Trinity is dead." Daphne repeated, holding her gun tighter. "There was an order for your scientists to extract all the serum from her until she was dead!"

"I'm sorry." Paige apologized. "Truly, I am. I know how much you two cared for each other."

"She's my sister," Daphne whispered, tears flooding her eyes. "She was by my side when I first walked into to this damn building, when I was five! And she was by side when I left it. We were put into the maze together, and we got out together."

"I hate you," She said while Paige looked down. "I hate you and I hate WICKED for putting me in this mess. I don't deserve any of this, I don't deserve to hurt like this."

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