14. to the ones we fought for

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ONE CAN BE SO ALIVE IN OUR hearts that our brains can forget that they've left the Earth

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ONE CAN BE SO ALIVE IN OUR hearts that our brains can forget that they've left the Earth. At least that's how it was for Daphne. Ever since she's arrived at the Safe Haven, she's had trouble remembering that something was missing. How could she not? She was in paradise, but someone was missing in paradise. She would remember a few minutes later, and her heart would break once more and tears would fill her eyes. Trinity was gone.

Daphne was afraid that one day she would forget her. She was determined to remember her, because she was afraid no one else would. So everything about her sister, Daphne burnt into her memory. Her big brown eyes full of spunk that everyone thought would be innocent. Her stance, her crossed arms and how she would raise her right eyebrow, it would just make her radiate fierceness. The dark curls of her hair that she would constantly push behind her ears until she got tired and just tied her hair up.

But remembering everything about Trinity hurt Daphne. It made her entire body ache with pain and grief until she wanted to die. She didn't want to be alive. She had to though, she had to stay alive. Because Daphne was carrying another life inside her, a life that she wanted to stay alive.

Looking down, Daphne's hands tightened around the blue sweater in her hands, Trinity's sweater. She's had it for months, every since she was taken by WICKED and somehow it still smelt like her. It was one of the few clothing pieces from her sister she still had, and Daphne practically guarded it with her life. She sat on the steps of a hut in the Safe Haven, tears running down her face. The wind from the shore blew against her, making her shiver for a moment before bringing the sweater up to her nose. She closed her eyes and smelt it, letting herself imagine for just a moment that she was hugging her sister.

"God, I'm practically drowning in norepinephrine." Daphne whispered to herself, shaking her head.

"Even in grief, you use words I don't mean." Daphne opened her eyes to see Newt running towards her. She quickly wiped her tears, trying to not look like she was crying. He slowed down his pace when he noticed the tears on her face before running over again. Newt sat down next to her, looking at her and holding her hand.

"It means I'm sad." She mumbled.

Looking down again, Daphne let out a sob before letting her head rest on Newt's shoulder, her face in his neck while he wrapped his arms around her. "I miss her."

Nodding, Newt whispered while she let out more sobs. "I know, I know, I miss her too."

"Look," Newt reached into his pocket and pulled out a small photo of the baby, an ultrasound. "Your mom gave it to me this morning, it's from your appointment yesterday."

"She's healthy." Daphne mumbled as her shaky hands held the photo and the smallest of smiles rose to her face.

"Yeah, she's strong too," Newt agreed, smiling as well. "Like her mother."

She turned to him and kissed his cheek before Newt said, "You're gonna be okay."

"I don't know." She sighed, covering her face with her hands.

𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭³Where stories live. Discover now