02, element of surprise

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"HEARD YOU PULLED IT off, and nobody died!" Madison smiled as Daphne jumped off the train cart, landing on the ground in the new Right Arm Base

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"HEARD YOU PULLED IT off, and nobody died!" Madison smiled as Daphne jumped off the train cart, landing on the ground in the new Right Arm Base. She smiled back, the two hugging tightly.

"It went well, nobody got shot either." Daphne shrugged before she whispered. "Did they get it?"

"They came back right after you left, it went well," Madison confirmed, nodding, "Go get your sister and then meet me in the lab, okay?"

Daphne nodded anxiously before running over to Thomas and Newt before the three walked into the train cart, Harriet following them. Folding her hands together, Daphne took a deep breath as she looked at all of immunes that were chained up. Her eyes scanned over to crowd quickly, not seeing Trinity.

"Probably just missed her." Daphne mumbled to herself and looked at the sea of faces again.

"Lizzie." Newt whispered as he and Harriet stood in front of Sonya and Aris. Daphne smiled slightly for the siblings before turning around. She and Thomas walked down the cart, looking over every person. When they reached the end, Thomas turned around to look at the brunette.

"They're not here." He said and Daphne's face fell.

She shook her head, tears brimming her eyes as Daphne stammered, "No— No, she has to be here, they both have to be here! It's been six months and I made the plan and it had to work—"

Newt walked up to the two of them, a frown on his face when he saw the tears in Daphne's eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, love."

Daphne stood silent, continuing to shake her head before she pulled away from Newt, running out of the cart. Newt sighed, looking at Thomas, who just looked at him sadly.


Madison turned around at the sound of someone entering the makeshift lab of the Right Arm base, seeing Daphne walking in with tears running down her face. "Daph? Where's Trinity?"

She shook her head, mumbling, "We got the wrong cart."

"What?" Madison questioned, frowning and hugging Daphne. "God, I'm so sorry."

"Can we just— Please? I want to know for sure." Daphne begged and Madison nodded immediately. Her mother handed her a paper and the daughter looked at it.

"Third test, positive again." Madison told her as Daphne laid on the bed in the lab, looking at the computer that some of the Right Arm agents stole from an abandoned WICKED lab this morning. "We already know, Daph."

"I have to be sure." She mumbled, lifting up her shirt to show her stomach. Madison sighed, rubbing a cold gel on her stomach and Daphne rubbed her hands over her face. Taking out a small device, Madison hovered it over her stomach.

On the computer, a black and white image appeared and Daphne's eyes widened as Madison moved the device around, whispering, "There, there they are."

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