03, what wasn't said

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"NINA? CHLOE? POPPY?" Daphne whispered as she stood in the lab of the Right Arm base, a hand holding her stomach

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"NINA? CHLOE? POPPY?" Daphne whispered as she stood in the lab of the Right Arm base, a hand holding her stomach. "Do you like any of those names, little petal?"

"You're as small as a flower petal, right now," She continued to whisper to her stomach, shoving a water bottle in her bag. "Actually, you're the size of a nectarine, so a little bit bigger, but I know for sure that you're as pretty as a flower, so I'm gonna keep calling you petal."

The ultrasound photo was in her hands and Daphne smiled as she looked down at it. "It's you."

"Maybe I shouldn't try to think of names until I actually tell your dad that you exist, huh?" Daphne suggested before she put the photo back in her pocket and Thomas walked in, the girl turning around.

"Ready to go?" He spoke.

"Yeah, let's do this," Daphne nodded and the two walked into the garage where the car they were going to take was.

"Where do you two think you're going then?" An accented voice spoke and Daphne smiled immediately when a light turned on, revealing Newt standing there.

"Newt..." Thomas sighed, trying not to smile.

"Don't be a twat about it." Newt told them, taking Daphne's bag from her hands and the girl sighed. "I'm already in. Come on."

"No. No, not this time." Thomas shook his head.

Newt looked at him, gesturing to Daphne, "Do you really think I'm just gonna let her risk her life with nobody by her side but you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thomas scoffed and Newt smirked.

"I can take care of myself." Daphne mumbled.

"Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this." Thomas reminded.

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt walked over to the car, opening the drivers door to reveal Frypan smiling at them. Daphne looked at her boyfriend, who told them, "Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too."

"You're sure about this?" Daphne asked softly, walking over to him and holding his hands.

"If you are." He whispered, kissing her forehead.

Daphne nodded, smiling and turning, "Okay. Let's go get them back."


"You want us to go in there?" Newt looked at Daphne and Thomas as the three of them and Frypan stood in front of a abandoned security tunnel. "I don't wanna come across as too negative, but if I was a Crank, that's exactly where I would be."

"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas sighed.

"All right." Newt shrugged, squeezing Daphne's hand softly. "I get shotgun."

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