04, the last city

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"I'M IMPRESSED! YOU GUYS almost lasted a whole day

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"I'M IMPRESSED! YOU GUYS almost lasted a whole day." Jorge smirked at the teens as he drove out of the tunnel.

"I'll admit, not one of my best plans." Daphne mumbled as she searched her backpack. It was a backpack that she took from the lab that Madison took on mission, which meant there was probably basic medical tools she forgot to take out in there. Her eyes widened when she felt what she needed, relaxing slightly.

Brenda turned around in her seat to look at Thomas, giving him a glare before the boy apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this."

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Frypan smiled.

"You're welcome." Brenda shrugged.

"Hey, don't get your hopes up." Jorge spoke up. "That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too."

"Yeah," Newt spoke softly, looking out at the view. "Unless they figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out."

Daphne turned her head to where he was looking, gasping softly when she saw large walls in the distant surrounding the city as Jorge stopped the car.

"Good, I had to pee anyways." Brenda smirked and grabbed a sheet, looking at Daphne.

"Yeah, me too." Daphne nodded, grabbing her bag. The two had grown rather close in the last couple months, being the only girls on the mission besides Harriet, who was always with Vince.

"You just decided to risk your life with a group of boys?" Brenda questioned as the two walked a couple feet away from the boys. Daphne unfolded the sheet, holding it up as Brenda squatted and Daphne looked away.

"Sounds like my time in the maze." Daphne scoffed and Brenda laughed slightly, shaking her head. "I need Trinity, so yeah, I was risking my life for her."

"Right." Brenda nodded in understanding as she stood up and grabbed the sheet from Daphne.

Daphne checked to make sure Brenda was looking away before opening her bag, taking out a stethoscope. She put it in her ears before lifting her shirt, placing the other part on her stomach. She mumbled as she listened for a heartbeat, moving the piece around, "Come on, come on."

Relief filled her immediately when the sound of a heartbeat rang through her ears, making the brunette smile gratefully and Daphne whispered, "You're a fighter, right petal? Just like your aunt, your dad, and your mom. You have a whole family of fighters."

"Did you say something?" Brenda asked and Daphne quickly pulled down her shirt, shoving the stethoscope back in her bag.

"No," Daphne shook her head, standing up. "Let's go."

"Funny... Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt told Thomas as Daphne walked up to them.

"Yeah. It's hilarious." Frypan scoffed and Daphne smiled. Thomas walked over to Jorge and Brenda, leaving Newt and Daphne alone for a moment.

"What were you going to say before?" Newt whispered as he placed a hand on her face. "In the tunnel?"

"It's not important." Daphne shook her head and quickly regretted her words.

"Jorge, how do we get in?" Thomas asked.

"Don't look at me, hermano." The man shrugged. "Those walls are new. I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything."

"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go!" Brenda smiled, hopping into the car.

Thomas stood between Newt and Daphne before the blond boy spoke. "You really think they're in there?"

"I guess we'll find out." Thomas said.

"They have to be." Daphne whispered.

"You know she's gonna be there, too." Newt reminded Thomas, who just looked at the ground.


"This place has really gone through hell." Jorge spoke over the shouts and screams of the crowd that the group was currently trying to get through.

"We just gotta stay together." Thomas replied and Newt wrapped an arm around Daphne, pulling her to him.

"We are the voice of the voiceless! They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot!" A man screamed, speaking to a crowd in the top of a truck. "But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!"

Above them, different bergs were flying over the city, making Daphne nervous. The group walked through a tunnel, seeing a large crowd in front of the much larger walls surrounding the city. Thomas's eyes widened, "That's it. That's our way in."

He shoved his way through the crowd, the others following him. Jorge grabbed his shoulder, stopping him, "Thomas! This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?"

"Came this far. I'm not turning back now." He shrugged and Daphne looked at the wall, trying to figure out a way in.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Frypan asked.

"Thomas, this doesn't feel right." Jorge warned and the crowd fell silent, hearing the something in the walls move.

"They're not opening so—" Daphne whispered to herself and her eyes fell on the large pieces of machine that were on the top of the walls. "Shit."

Daphne pointed them out to Newt, and his eyes widened. He looked at Jorge and Thomas before the coupe noticed different guards heading towards them, "Hey, guys, we gotta go now."

"Look." Daphne gestured to the machines and Newt looked at the guards nervously as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her away from the walls. The machines lifted up a bit, pointing at the crowd as people began to run away.

The machines fired a small explosion happened a little away from the crowd as the group began to scream. "Let's go, let's go!"

Daphne ran as fast as she could, not letting out of Newt's hand. The group turned at an alleyway, trying to escape the bombs as the ground shook slightly. Daphne held on to Newt, trying to keep her balance and he whispered, "I got you, love."

She nodded, growing nauseous again. Daphne grew nervous when a group of soldiers got closer and closer to them. "Newt."

"Run." Newt mumbled and the two tried to run past a van before a solider jumped out, grabbing Newt by his shirt.

"Let him go!" Daphne yelled and a guard grabbed her arms.

"Don't touch her!" Newt shouted, struggling against the guard as Daphne was shoved on to a van. "Daphne!"

She looked at him, terrified before the doors to the vans closed and Newt was shoved on to the other van.

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