07, on the other side

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 the day before

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the day before

TURNING AT A CORNER, Trinity's hands tightened into fists as she tried to run faster. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. This isn't real, it couldn't be real. She glanced over her shoulder for a second, seeing the Griever that had been chasing her for the past couple minutes getting closer. How could she be back in the maze? And why was she alone?

"Minho!" Trinity screamed before turning at another corner, seeing a wall of vines. Where was he? He would never left her go into the maze alone. "Alright you shank, this isn't funny! Where are you?"

Jumping up, her hands gripped on to the vines tightly and Trinity climbed up as fast as she could. She yelled for Minho a couple more times, trying to make sense of the situation. When her fellow runner didn't answer, Trinity screamed at the top of her lungs for the person who always answer. The person who would always come save her.

"Daphne!" Trinity cried, tears brimming her eyes as she finished climbing the vines. She ran again, jumping between the gaps and landing on another platform. What sector was she in? How could she escape?

She ran further as her stomach began to ache and soft pants left her mouth. Climbing down a wall of vines, Trinity ran past another corner, almost tripping when she saw that she wasn't in the maze anymore.

"This isn't real," She shook her head, whispering to herself. "God, this isn't real."

Standing in the hallway that the Gladers stood in when they escaped the maze, Trinity looked around, confused.

"Trin." The curly-haired girl heard a soft call and recognized it immediately, turning around. Her eyes widened when she saw a WICKED guard holding Daphne, a gun pressed against her head.

"Daphne." Trinity whispered, tears flooding her eyes again before she spoke in a stronger tone. "Let her go."

The guard didn't say anything, only pressing the gun further against Daphne's head. Trinity took a step forward and the guard prepped the gun, Daphne closing her eyes. Immediately raising her hands in defeat, Trinity looked at the guard, "What do you want? Just— Just let her go, okay? She didn't—"

Her heart stopped when the sound of a gunshot rang through her entire body, seeing Daphne laying on the ground in front of her. Trinity shook her head, by her side and she held her sister's head. "No! No! Daphie, come on, wake up!"

"Wake up!" Trinity screamed and she let out multiple sobs, hugging her sister to her chest. "This isn't real! No!"

"Fascinating." Paige whispered as she stared at Trinity, who laid unconscious on a table in the WICKED lab. Different wires and needles were connected to her, monitoring every little thing.

"It's more effective than the maze for A7," The scientist explained. "You were right, how did you know?"

"People care about their own life," Paige explained, glancing at the scientist. "But they care about the lives of the ones they love even more."

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