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for all the people who commented on yesterday's update, this one is for you and your kindness!

for all the people who commented on yesterday's update, this one is for you and your kindness!

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Life throws a lot of curve balls, but I'd never experienced one quite like the woman who lay next to me.

The light was gleaming through cracks in the curtains as the early hours of the morning began. Too early to wake up. Aurora had only been sleeping for a few hours anyway... we had been a little busy. Her tiny, little body lay on her back, one arm thrown above her head against the pillow in a deep slumber. Her lips were parted ever so slightly as a soft breath escaped them. Blonde hair fanned widely underneath her, and as I gently massaged her head, I couldn't help but think that she was exactly how I would imagine an angel to be. I meant every word that I was enamoured every time I looked at her. From day one, she was the most beautiful thing I'd seen. But her heart, and kindness and that smile. This felt like heaven. I felt like praying and thanking god for making me the luckiest bastard on the planet.

Aurora had created a U-turn in my life plans. My final year at college was supposed to be solely focused on football. Nothing was more important than that. Getting into Pro Football was my future and nothing was going to distract me. That was until some crazy, blonde bombshell waltzed in and changed everything. She spun my head until I couldn't see straight. She made me gentler, kinder even, in a way I thought wasnt 'manly' to be. She taught me strength wasn't always physical and how hard you hit, but rather how you continuously get back up after everything life throws.

A little groan escaped Aurora's lips as she stirred from her sleep, rolling onto her side to face me.

"Go back to sleep darling," I whispered, kissing her forehead gently. Another sexy groan, and her leg hoisting in between my own was her response as she cuddled her clothless body into my own. Both are skins were hot to touch but anything other than touching eachother felt wrong right now. The Aurora I met may have been quiet and shy, and despite now having grown into her confidence again in the most beautiful way, she might always stay like that in some ways after what she went through. However, comfortable and confident Aurora is a very different story and last night proved she's anything but shy. And god do I love it. And her. And somehow, she loves me. Not for my money, or college status, or football career. Aurora could care less about that. She loves me for me.

I'll say it a thousand times, I've no idea what I did to get so lucky.

The sentencing hearing was only a few days away and loomed over all our heads, and right now all I wanted to do was wrap Aurora in so much love that she forgot all about it. I can see when it plays on her head. When her anxiety threatens to take over and she gets herself into a panic. We decided when this happens we'd play a game, and list all the things we love about life. From each other, to the little things like please and thank yous or catching a flight at the airport. Aurora also liked to list all the things she wanted to do with life, surfing in Hawaii with me now at the top of her list. The journey this woman has been on astounds me every day.

Aurora's past only solidified in me how short life was. I could've had a life without her in it if fate had chosen differently for us. I could've been a lonely college jock who drank his weekends away and got lost in meaningless hookups to make himself feel valued. Or rather, I could've stayed as that man since that was my life before. And now I'm lying with the woman I want to love for the rest of my life and there is no better in the world. It comes when you least expect it but it's so wonderful when it does. Now I look into the stands and there's my family and Aurora, smiling and cheering. Yasmin likes to watch from Aurora's arms, claiming she can see better, but we all know she just likes being closer to Aurora. There's nothing that will humble you more than watching your family love your girlfriend as much as you do. Aurora just slotted into place like it was meant for her. And I know she appreciates it. Having a family again means everything to her.  And now I have clarity. The haters don't matter, the pro football critics don't matter; if I'm making any family and Aurora proud that is enough for me.

My eyes felt heavy as exhaustion tugged harshly at me. Shifting my body down the bed, I settled down comfortably against the pillow. Aurora snuggled tighter into my bare chest, her delicate arms cocooning me protectively. So fiercely loyal in her own little way. Smiling, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her upwards, her body now half draped across my own as her head rested on my shoulder just below mine.

On this night, my eyes closed with a smile and I couldn't wait to wake up. I didn't need to dream anymore, reality now felt like the best dream I could ever imagine.

here you go!
another to follow soon!

negativity never wins, and always remember who tf you are!

love always, see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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