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warning: this chapter will contain details of Aurora's experience

warning: this chapter will contain details of Aurora's experience

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"Is everything okay?"

Asher sat up from his comforting position to listen to me properly. Following his lead I turned my body fully to face him, my eyes meeting his as I crossed my legs in front of me.

Suddenly I found the hands resting in my lap incredibly interesting. "Yes. Maybe? I don't know Asher, I'm probably over reacting and you know how cautious I am but I don't want to cause and drama—"

"Aurora," he interupted, his tone asking me to meet his face again. "What is going on?"

"You know when we stopped on our way here at the gas station, I went in to buy some things?" He hummed in confirmation, urging me to continue. "When I was in there I bumped into a man by accident, and I looked up to apologise to him but I realised it was the man from the park. The one who's dog was barking at us."

Asher only nodded, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stayed silent. Waiting for me to keep going.

"A-and I know I'm probably over thinking, but I know him Asher. I'm sure of it. I thought it in the park, and then the gas station only confirmed it to me further."

"But you don't know where you know him from."

"Exactly. But there's more..."

Asher sat up straighter, the sheets falling further to ruffle in his lap. "I'm not going to like this am I?"

I shook my head solemnly. "He knew my name," my voice wobbled slightly, as I tried to keep my composure. "I never once told him my name Asher. A-and I know he maybe knew it through a mutual friend, or from school but—"

"But you think different," Asher nodded, waiting for me to confirm my thoughts. "You have a bad feeling, don't you?"

I sighed shakily, looking away. "I feel like it's happening all over again."

The dispair the crosses Asher's face was one I could describe. It was sorrowful but not pitiful. I knew he was mad, from the way his jaw clenched and fists tightened on the thin sheets, but he kept it at bay. At least for now. For my sake. Deep down I think he knew letting himself fly off the handle would only hinder, and not heal. Asher waited for me to tell the whole story, never shouting or getting frustrated. He calmly let me voice my thoughts before he said his own.

"Aurora, look at me," facing him again, a tear dropped onto my cheek which I wiped away immediately. "Nothing is going to happen to you. Nobody is going to come anywhere near you if I'm here."

"It could be nothing Asher—"

"But it also could be something Aurora. You've been through so much, I never want you to feel another ounce of fear in your life. So if you think it could be something, then we'll be more observant."

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