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part ii

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part ii


I thought my room in the Monroe manor was extravagant, silk pillow cases and towering bedframe. The floors were polished in a glossy hardwood which made you want to dance all over them. It even had a walk-in closet with rails lined with more clothes than I could ever dream of owning. But that proved to be nothing compared to Rose's own personal suite. It felt as though I was in that scene in the movie 'The Princess Diaries', when Anne Hathaway gets her grand transformation from just an normal school girl, into a dazzling princess. Princess Aurora. The irony.

Sighing, I ran my fingers across the rails of the beautiful fabrics, suddenly slightly self-conscious of the clothes I had been wearing during my time here. The silk robe on my skin felt soft and light, a comparison to the filthy, damp clothes I had previously been wearing. I couldn't help but smile at the memory, despite how filthy we might have been at the time. All we did was go for a walk, but spending time Asher and Yasmin felt like some sort of alternate universe. A world where there was only laughter and happiness. Where my worries, fears and nightmares felt like no-existent. Asher and I walked together as Yasmin skipped along in front. With his warm hand slipped in between my own, swinging gently as we walked, gave me a tingling feeling even at the memory. Asher chatted away aimlessly as we strolled through the grounds, but as much as I wanted to listen to his gorgeous, husky voice my mind drifted off happily to the idea of this as a future. Although it's unknown and ever changing, and possibly would not be with Asher, the idea of just simple life was dream. I didn't need to be rich and famous, or to have a huge house, or a fancy car. I didn't need my dream job or to go on a tropical holiday each year. All I wanted was a family who loved unconditionally and whole heartedly. A home full of laughter and love. For a husband who would love me just as much as I did him. And maybe a dog... or three.

Walking back into the room, I spotted Rose chatting to three people I did not know. My chest tightened ever so slightly as I approached, trying to smile as openly as my social anxiety would let me, to the strangers.

"Ah Aurora, this is my glam team! They work miracles for me." Rose smiled, gesturing to the two men and woman beside her.

The taller man approached me first, kissing my cheeks dramatically before pulling back with a megawatt smile. "Well aren't you stunning! I'm sure you hear that all the time but seriously babe," the man turned to his icy blonde companion, "babe I'm serious, come look at these cheekbones."

"Oh," my cheeks felt hot as I tried to avoid their gaze, "I don't know about that!"

"Oh, isn't she the sweetest!" the blonde cooed, ushering me into the chair that now sat in front of the mirror. The two men, who's names I had since learned were Scott and Ricky, began to run through plans for my hair as I simply nodded along acceptingly. They seemed to find it hilarious when I said that the most I'd ever done to my hair was use water to slick back my hair into a ponytail.

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