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"Yasmin! Don't ruin Aurora's pretty hair sweetheart!"

Gentle tugs pulled at my head as Yasmin had become fascinated by my long hair. It was a bit of a hinderance to be honest, far too long to be practical but Yasmin seemed to make it her new toy.

With my back turned to her as I sat on the beautiful couch, Yasmin stood behind me as she insisted on being my new hairdresser. Ignoring her mother's request Yasmin only fiddled further with my hair, doing God knows what to it.

"I want my hair just like yours Aurora!" Her younger speech made my name often sound a bit more like 'Awora' than Aurora but I didn't mind one bit as Yasmin had replaced Asher as my new cuddle buddy, much to his dismay.

Speaking of which, the handsome man himself came walking into the room. He was only wearing jeans and a T-shirt but somehow by simply walking into the room, he made me want to grab his face and kiss him. My heart pounded in my chest at the mere sight of him. It was truly unfair to be that gorgeous.

Asher clapped just hands together loudly as he strode to the couch, "Alright ladies, dinner is rea— what is going on in here?"

I bit back a smile as Asher's face wore a confused grimace. His eyebrows furrowed together as he scanned my hair, my face, and then back to my hair again.


Yasmin's little head peeped around my own, the most innocent look on her face. "Yes Ash?"

"What are you doing to Aurora's hair?"

Yasmin only smiled as she continued to play with my hair, "I'm making her look even more pretty!"

"I don't think—" Asher cut off his words as I glowered at him expectantly, my eyes narrowed as I silently told him to shut up. He really was about to tell his younger sister that she had done a terrible job. "Okay, mom's got dinner ready so will you go help her?"

Yasmin trotted off with an 'okay' to the kitchen, but not before wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and squeezing tightly. The beautiful smile on her face couldn't help but bring one to my own. I wanted to treasure moments like these, even if they may not be forever.

Looking to Asher I smiled, twirling for him, "Well, what do you think?"

He chuckled, his fingers now running through my hair to try and smooth out the knots before we went to the table. "I think it looks like you got attacked by a flock of birds."

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