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It had been nearly a week since my kiss with Asher. I'm not going to lie to anyone, I had been grinning like an innocent little teenage girl, who snuck out of the house to meet with the boy her dad warned her about. It was that type of grin. I truly happy one. It wasn't boastful or gloating, it was what being happy felt like to me. Normal people probably got their high from class finishing twenty minutes early, or getting drunk every weekend. But I wasn't normal, and they weren't me.

I hadn't run into Asher since our kiss either. Like the true gentleman he was, he walked me right back to my door to make sure I got in again. He didn't kiss me again and hadn't since, but that was okay. All good things came to those who wait.

It hadn't stopped his constant texts however.

Asher: I swear the man has it out for me.

Asher has been moaning for the last twenty minutes about how his neighbour George purposely lets his cat do it's business on his lawn because he accidentally threw a football into his garden once.

Aurora: And why is that Asher?

Asher: He told me today. Said I should sleep with one eye open.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, grinning at my phone. Biting my lip, my fingers hovered briefly over my screen before I hit call. He answered within an instant.

"Aurora," he almost sighed.


"It feels like forever since I've heard your voice."

I laughed airily. "Asher it's been a few days days."

"Five days too long!"

"So tell me, why is it that you fear your seventy-four year old neighbour who drives around in a mobility scooter." I feel back to lie on my bed, my blonde hair spewed out beneath me as I listened to his gravelly voice hum down the phone.

"Hey, those things can pick up speed!" We both chuckled. "But seriously, this is one bitter old man."

"I'll need to meet up to make a fair judgement." I hadn't realised what my words quite meant until they were already out in the open.

"Would you like to? Tonight?"

Was he asking me to come over to his place? I sat up from my bed as I chewed on my bottom lip, "Tonight?"

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