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Things felt different now. It was as though something in the air had shifted since my night with Asher.

The one thing that stuck out to me with Asher is that he never asked questions. He didn't ask what happened or demanded an explanation, he took me how I was and that felt like enough for me.

We had spent nearly every day together since. After nearly two months, Asher was finally chipping away at my towering walls and I didn't mind one bit. Whether it was a simple lunch together or grabbing a coffee, he always found a way to come see me.

Asher was also making the effort to get to know Soph and Cass which only warmed my heart further, as though he wanted their approval before we continued any further. However, I was yet to speak to Asher's friends personally. Their names, like Asher's, spoke for themselves.

Alex Harper. Ladies Man extraordinaire. He oozes confidence wherever he walked, as his six foot three frame towered over everyone. A football player through and through, he had 'no time' for relationships but somehow managed to squeeze in a different hookup each weekend. Not exactly the type of boy you would bring home to meet mom and dad.

And then there was Tyler Brannon. Again, another ladies man quite like his fellow football stars but what he lacked in height he made up for in charm. His shorter five-ten build set him back slightly, but his confidence, apparently, never wavered. His face, quite like Asher's, was tanned and usually adorned a dark stubble. Unlike the other two, Tyler was in a relationship for over a year until he supposedly got his heart broken. And what better way to rebound than sleeping your way through the entire campus?

And then that simply left Asher. He had to be somewhat similar to get along with these guys, but they paint a very different picture to the Asher I know. My severe lack of trust issues flared like a raging bull. Was Asher one person to me and someone else to his friends? Maybe that was all boys.

Note boys, not men.

However, the sight of said handsome specimen approaching seemed to shake all the thoughts from my mind. At least for now anyways.

"Hello gorgeous," Asher leaned down to plant a kiss on my cheek, causing me to jump startled. That was certainly new. And here we sat in the middle of the lawn surrounded by our fellow students. "I brought you lunch."

I couldn't help but inwardly 'aww' as he reached into the bag to pull out a cobb salad.

"You shouldn't have. Thank you."

Asher smiled gently, lowering his head to the ground momentarily. He pecked a kiss to my head before sitting down beside me. "Your welcome."

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