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The next day arrived just as quick as the last.

I got up each morning, went to class, survived the day, and went to bed. That was it. It wasn't anything special, nothing exciting or heart racing. Just simple, old life. Since my first day, the past two and a half weeks had been very average, I was getting back into the way of school life and being with my friends. Life was just normal. A routine helped me keep focused. In therapy it had been a goal of mine, and now here I was doing it. When I thought back to how I was then, how far I'd come... I was proud.

My alarm blared in my ears as I tried to snooze my already-snoozed first alarm. With a groan I opened my eyes to see 8:33am glaring at my through the screen.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I cursed, scrambling out of bed and looking around me. My arms waved frantically as I turned in a circle looking for everything I needed. I pulled on my stripy blue and white sundress with my gladiator sandals, before quickly applying the slightest bit of makeup. Checking again, I was now seeing 8:46am on my phone, causing my to grab my bag and go running out the door.

The great thing about college classes is that if your late, you get the embarrassment of interrupting the lesson and everyone staring at you. And that was a gigantic no thank-you from me.

The Alabama sun glared down on me on yet another hot day, the sun beating down as I ran across campus. It reminded me of home. There was nothing I missed more than my life before college in Malibu. I missed the crashing of the waves in the early morning, I missed the tickle of the sand on my late night walks on the beach. I missed most of all, the peacefulness of life there. I missed how happy I was.

I managed to make it just in time before the class had fully started, but everyone in the room was seated or about to sit down meaning a lot of eyes in the room were on me.

As if they were magnetic, my eyes found the very same brown eyes I had been drowning in for the last two weeks. I hadn't seen him since that day, but I couldn't forget how dark his eyes were. The looked almost black in this lighting as they looked up at me. His eyes followed my every move as I looked around the room for a seat, pulling my hair behind my ear nervously. I felt heat flush my face as I put my head down and scurried to a seat I found at the end of a row, before getting out my notepad and pens. So he was in this class after all. Great. I couldn't help but wonder why he missed class that first day.

The lesson dragged in. I was interested at the start of the lesson, but I felt my mind travelling elsewhere, followed by my eyes travelling across the room to a dark haired haired mystery, who happened to be looking right back at me. Both our eyes widened in embarrassment, being caught doing the exact same thing. I didn't look over again during the class. I kept my eyes focused in front of me, but my mind focused on every gorgeous detail of his face.

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