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ASHERpart vi

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part vi

I heard the glass shatter from the other side of the garden. The usual shocked explicits escaping the mouths of the people around me. At first I didn't think anything of it, until the crowd began to murmer, and look to their right towards the quieter grass.

And then I watched her fall.

Her legs seemed to turn to jelly, falling out from underneath her. Luckily, Sierra was there to catch her as she lost her footing but she still went down.

Pushing and shoving my way through the crowd, I sprinted over to her. Her red dress pooling underneath on the crowd, she lay in Sierra's arms who was attempting to speak to her.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, as I closed in on her. She was doing great the last time I looked over to check on her, mingling and chatting with those around her.

"Are you hurt?" I gasped, falling down to my knees beside her. My hands shook as they hovered over her body, scanning for any injuries. But there were none. My eyes met hers and I could've sworn I felt my heart break at the look of fear on her face. She was absolutely terrified.

"What's happened baby?" I moved my hands slowly underneath her, worried my hands would feel foreign. But they weren't. They were the most familiar that she knew. And that meant I could pull her into my hairs without her fighting me off.

I cradled her in my lap as she began to hyperventilate, her breathing erratic and heaving. "Aurora, look at me," her eyes couldn't focus, as if fear had completely taken over and my plea falling on deaf ears.

"Aurora! Come on sweetheart," her head seemed to shake dismissively, as if she physically couldn't stop. My eyes met Sierra as I rocked her back and fourth in my arms, "What happened?" I demanded, my eyes darting between the two of them.

"I don't know! She left to take a call, but when she didn't come back I came to check on her. Her legs just gave out, I got to her as fast as I could!"

I continued to shush Aurora as her hands clenched my shirt in little fists.

"Asher," Sierra warned, her voice wary. "She's gonna pass out if she doesn't—"

"I know!" I snapped, too harshly than Sierra deserved, she was one of the few helping. "I know."

Turning my gaze back to Aurora, I tried to meet her eyes, "Aurora look at me! Please, look at me!" My hand moved to her cheek, my thumb tracing those beautifully high cheekbones. After a moment her eyes met my own, and that seemed to cause a reaction. "I've got you baby."

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