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With my feet in the sand, I curled my toes feeling the wet sand tickling at my feet. With my board propped beside me, I watched the waves heave towards the surface as they crashed violently before calming themselves by the time they swept across my feet.

"You just gonna stand there all day or are we gonna catch some waves?"

I turned my head to see Beckham standing there, a smirk proudly stretched across his face. People often asked why I was so competitive and always answered the same. Two brothers. Beck was a brilliant surfer and I could only hope to be as good as him one day. Dad says I'm better than Beau was when he was my age, but maybe he's just bias. And we also don't tell Beck that.

"Race you for the first wave?" Beau challenges, raising an eyebrow in my direction. His large, built frame towered over me.

"Your on."

One thing all younger siblings will understand is that when you play, you play to win by all means necessary. That being said, I stood on his toe before darting towards the water

"Aurora!" I laughed at his pained cry, as I rushed through the water, to my safe place.

I woke my a sharp jolt, sending my body shooting up from my mattress. Breathing heavily, I looked around my room just to make sure that it was all there. That it was real. Unlike that dream, which was just a distant memory from my past. A happy one at least. There are most definitely far worse memories I could relive.

Releasing a sigh, I climbed out of bed to get ready for class. After my dream my anxiety was at its highest. Mornings were always the worst, the tightening feeling in my chest seemed almost inescapable, as my worst thoughts seem to be the only thing I can focus on. Bad mornings came and go but keeping myself distracted was the key. The weather seemed dull from the window, a bleak grey cloud haunted over the sky blocking out the light. I never had been the type to try exceedingly hard to look nice going to class since mornings and I never did quite get along, so my trusty leggings and an oversized hoodie were usually the answer. Slipping into my grey leggings and throwing on my baby blue hoodie, a quick once over in the mirror was enough to earn my satisfaction before grabbing my bag and running out the door.

The walk to class was always made easier by the presence of my best friends. Standing by our usual meeting spot, the smiles of Cassidy and Sophia could take away any anxiety left in me.

Back in freshman year, I met Cassidy first. We actually ended up beside each other in the line for coffee. I was a bit chattier then, being the one to start up a conversation with Cass about the Fleetwood Mac t-shirt she adorned, and our friendship only blossomed from there.

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