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I felt an unusual sense of happiness coming into the next day, I couldn't  help but think that it had somewhat to do with the handsome man I had spoken to yesterday day.

"Hey guys." Sophia and Cassidy's heads whipped around in shock to the chipper tone of my voice. It must have been slightly odd for them. My mood had done a complete 180 but they didn't seem to be complaining.

"Someone's in a good mood." Cassidy hummed, a small smile spreading across her face.

"It's time I started living life the way I should. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Frappuccino to order." I felt a weight lifted from from my shoulders today. And it felt good. After a year of constant battles with my emotions and mentality. I finally  felt like I was slowly getting back on track.

I was too busy trying to read the price of a grande Frappuccino to even notice I'd back out of the queue, and unsurprisingly knocked into someone.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry." My once chipper and confident voice had turned to a fragile plea in an instant.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." My eyes widened at the familiar husky tone . No. It couldn't be.
But unfortunately, it was. There stood Asher Monroe, not sour faced in the slightest. In fact, he was actually smiling.

"I-I... um." I couldn't speak. Words were there they just weren't coming out. Why did I have to be such a mess in front of the hottest and most eligible guy on campus?

"It's no problem Aurora." A half smile pulled at his face as he stared down at me. His mouth opened slightly as if he was going to say something but it closed just as quickly. I didn't know what to say, and it seemed neither did he. I decided to do us both a favour and move, so ducking my head I moved to join the back of the queue, however I didn't get very far as his voice spoke again.

"A-Aurora?" Turning my head round to face him I saw the ever confident boy look almost nervous.

"Can I buy you a drink?" His voice hopeful but the slight bite of his inside bottom lip gave away a sense of unease, as if doubting his abilities.

An inward battle raged in my mind. On one side, I saw an opportunity to open up to someone for the first time in years, a chance to be the girl Ionce was, that and he's Asher Monroe. What girl in their right mind would turn that down.

But on the other side, that is exactly what I  doubted. Was I in my right mind? Could I burden someone with that kind of baggage? And what if he just wanted one thing?

In a split second I made the decision.

"Okay." I agreed softly, looking up to meet eyes for a split second before looking away bashfully. I watched him place our orders, even when ordering drinks he looked handsome. My eyes grazed over the prominent veins in his forearm popping as he lent his weight on his left hand on the counter. Focus, Aurora!

We stood in a comfortable silence while waiting for our drinks. When the drinks arrived Asher grabbed them both and started walking to a table. My eyes widened as he just walked towards a table so casually. I turned to Sophia and Cassidy, who flailed there arms in Asher's direction.

"You can do this, you can do this. Just don't be weird." Giving myself the pep talk I needed, I reached the table.

"You get lost or something?" Asher laughed lightly looking up at me, a boyish grin on his face.

"Oh, um- you could say that." I laughed awkwardly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Asher took me by surprise as he reached forward and grabbed my hand casually. Except that's not casual for someone like me. My mortification rose to new heights as I flinched from his touch. My face flushed red, and Asher could definitely tell I was embarrassed.

"Hey, Aurora. Aurora it's okay." Asher assured, leaning slightly further across the table almost to emphasise his point. My eyes switched to his beautiful brown eyes and I instantly felt calmer.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, especially around me. Okay?" His words drilled into me, and despite not knowing the man in front of me all that well, I couldn't help but trust his words.


We ended up talking for about an hour and half, well mostly Asher talking while I listened but I occasionally chipped in. I found out Asher had a little sister who was five, who he absolutely adored. He grew up in a busy Chicago where is mom and dad were his biggest supporters, but it was his uncle who initially got him into football. I realised how much Asher loved his game just by talking about it with him. His face just lit up when he spoke about it. His dream was the NFL obviously. I couldn't help but wonder if he was good enough, but from what I had heard, and what I remembered, he was. I didn't discuss too much about myself with him, but Asher was quite persistent to know even a little more about me. I told him about my life in Hawaii and Malibu and that I loved to read. That was all I could give him for now.

"I've got practice in thirty minutes so I gotta run, but the thing is..." Asher left out a breathy, nervous laugh. "There's this event on a club downtown on Saturday and everyone's gonna be there and I was just wondering, you know only if you wanted to, if you'd want to go with me?"

"G-go with you?" I asked, speechless and wondering if she had heard right. This has to be a joke.

Asher smiled, "Yea, with me. I won't leave your side the whole night and I'll make sure you have a good time, I promise!"

"Oh-um I don't know..." I thought back to the isolated girl a year ago, who dreamed about someone taking an interest in her, and wanting to spend time with her. But this was also a very big step, and I wasn't sure if I was ready this.

"If you don't want to, it's okay..." Asher trailed off, awkwardly scratching his face.

"You know what... okay."

"Really?" Asher beamed.

"Um- yea really." I couldn't help smile at how happy he looked.

"Okay. Great. I've gotta get to practice but I'll see you later yea?"

I didn't even get the chance to reply as he rushed off with a smile, and even after he was out the door I was still smiling. What was this boy doing to me?

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