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Asher offered his arm to grab which I took gladly, anything to stop my legs from going to jelly beneath me. My fingers wrapped securely around his bicep and I wasn't surprised by how solid his arm was.

Asher looked down to his arm, seeing mine wrapped around his and smiled gently. Being a true gent, he helped me down gently, as I trudged down quite ungraciously in her heels. A light chuckle escaped his lips once I eventually reached the bottom.

"You all good?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"Yea." I smiled in tightly in return. I didn't know what to say, I wasn't exactly the most social girl anymore. Socially awkward however? That's more fitting.

"Not too cold or anything?" He asked.

"No, no I'm alright." I wasn't. I was freezing.

Before I could even form another sentence, his jacket was off and he was wrapping it around my shoulders. My mouth opened to say something, but I couldn't find anything to say. He was sweet. Very sweet.

"Oh! Um- thank you." I could feel my cheeks heat up quickly, as I couldn't bring myself to look up at him.

"No problem!" He grinned. "So, you excited for tonight?"

"Yea! I haven't been out in a while, so it's... nice, you know to go out again."

"Well I'm glad you chose to experience it with me."

That brought a smile to my face, and as I looked up at him it was as if he knew, as he looked down with a similar expression.

The walk wasn't as far as I thought, and before I knew it we were there. He seemed to sense my hesitation as he slowed his walk slightly.

"I won't leave your side. I promise." He walked forward with such confidence as I walked in stride with him.

"D-don't we need to queue?"

"Asher! How's it going man?" The bouncer interrupted my questioning, as he greeted Asher fondly.

"It's all good mate." Asher clapped hands with him before acknowledging the two other bouncers.

"Go I'm ahead in, you two have a good night now." The velvet barrier opened for us, and I felt every eye in the queue watching as we walked through. As we walked down the corridor, the the light faded and the music got louder. I could hear the loud chatter of voices over the pounding base of the speakers.

The amount of people seemed to multiply the closer we got, and I couldn't help but slow my walk as my hesitation grew. I didn't realise I had stopped walking until Asher had turned to stop in front of me.

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