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before I begin, if anyone makes covers dm me please!!

before I begin, if anyone makes covers dm me please!!

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'Your doing good.' She had said.

I was not expecting that. Not in the slightest. This girl found more ways to impress me every single day. Not that I doubted her before, but this girl is so much more than surface level, and I can only guess that she's a little more nervous than most socially because people never bother to look much deeper than what they see or hear about her.

But when given the opportunity this girl was funny. It wasn't a pity laugh or an awkward one, she genuinely made me smile. A refreshing quality when most girls here simply to me with the intent to try to hook up. But she was someone I actually enjoyed speaking to, even if I was doing the majority of the talking. I didn't mind though, I knew she wasn't keeping quiet to be rude, she simply just liked to listen.

Winning the game should've been the highlight of my night but it wasn't. It was getting to spend time with her. She probably didn't realize that this was as daunting for her as it was for me. Sure I'd had a few girl friends here and there but none that I was really serious about, and the rest of the time I enjoyed the perks of being single. As terrible as all that sounds, it was college life. I never really cared much for girls for more than one night and I made that clear to them but it didn't stop many from trying for more. Maybe it was the fact the Aurora didn't have to try was what intrigued me so much. I liked the idea of having to work her, to try and impress her for being me and not 'Asher Monroe star quarterback'.

Looking at her from across the booth it was like I couldn't look away. There was no doubt in my mind that she was the most beautiful woman I had seen. And it was even more attractive that she genuinely couldn't see that in herself. But what was most important to me was that she felt safe. I couldn't begin to imagine what her life had been like for those years, but I wanted to help her live again. I wanted to help her feel alive, and to see life as worth living despite everything she had gone through. Maybe it was that everything except football had been handed to me in my life, or maybe I cared a lot for this girl already but I wanted to be a part of her life and be someone she could rely on.

"Asher, are you ready?" Looking up I found those ever so inviting blue eyes looking towards me expectantly. No wonder, I was just sitting staring at her.

"Right, um- yea!" Leaving a tip behind, we walked back out towards my car.

"Thank you again for paying." She smiled shyly.

"Aurora," I turned to look at her over the top to the car, "you don't need to thank me. Okay? The pleasure was mine."

I could only cheer inwardly as I watched her mouth curve up into a bashful smile, as she climbed into the car.

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