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It looked a lot scarier than I remembered. The walls looked higher, the people looked more judgmental. You could say I was regretting my decision. My yellow floral dress blew in the breeze around me bringing me back to reality. Could I really do this? Come back, after everything?

Hell no.

Just as I had decided there and then to go back to my dorm and never return, I was quickly caught my the shoulder of my two best friends.

"Dammit." Just typical.

"Oh no you don't, there's no escaping this." Cassidy shrugged.

My eyes shot daggers at her as she simply laughed and pushed me forward.

"Oh come on Rora, aren't you the slightest bit excited to get back out there again?" Sophia encouraged. I appreciated that they weren't walking on egg shells around me, that's not what I wanted. Everyone here either knew of me or knew what had happened to me. There was no point trying to make the elephant any bigger.

"I'm just scared of people staring or what they might say." My eyes lowered to the ground as we kept walking.

"Who cares what people say. This isn't about them Rory, it's about you." Sophia countered, giving me a look that told me she was one hundred percent serious.

I sighed looking up at the steps which lead to the giant doors, which decided my future. One year left, was I really willing to waste it away, when so much time had already been snatched from beneath me.

"They'd want you to be happy A. They'd want you to move on and succeed." Cassidy came beside me and put her arms around me, looking up at the doors like I did. My nose tingled at the mention of them as tears pricked my eyes.

Time around us had stilled, the rushing people around me disappeared and it was just me and my conscience, which made me take the first steps forward.

"Atta' girl." Sophia laughed, as the two joined me either side. Climbing each step was a struggle, but I knew I'd never get anywhere if I didn't start moving forward. The halls were busy as usual. People laughing and chatting like every day life. Even though today was my first day, it wasn't anyone else's. We were already a month into the semester.

"Okay so, your in Bio with Dr Henderson, he came last year and is a total hunk by the way. The class is completely full. It has lots of people you'll remember so lots of friendly faces." Cassidy continued to recite my schedule to me, as I walked down the busy corridors.

I could hear the whispers of a few people around me, as a few stared just slightly too long. To my surprise however, there was nothing heckled at me like I had assumed, it was more that people were in shock to see me. Not that I blamed them. If roles were reversed, I would probably stare.

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