Episode 8: Queen of the Sandcastle Part 2

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"So you think someone was researching the Avengers?" Cam straightened her glasses, resting a hand on her knee.

"Look, I know it sounds crazy-"

"I does sound crazy," piped Pym.

"I know what I saw, okay?!" Morgan slammed her hands on the floor, causing them to jump. She froze, "Sorry, I just ..." she broke off with a sigh. "Just hear me out, okay?"

They shared a look. "I don't know," Pym brought his knees up to his chest. "If you're worried, why not just tell your mom and dad?"

"They're never gonna believe me," cried Morgan. "I need solid proof."

"Forgive for intruding, Miss Stark," they jumped. "Mr. Stark installed a security camera in your room before you were born. I could replay the security footage to provide evidence for your endeavors."

Morgan blinked. "Hell, yeah! Show us, JARVIS." A holographic screen appeared. It was her room. For the first few minutes, it was empty.

Then something slinked out from under the bed, a small pile of ... something. It came and shifted into a human figure. It walked over to the desk and opened up the computer, typing in something. There was a sound offscreen, causing the figure to jump. It turned into cloud of dust and slid back under the bed.

The trio gawked, unable to comprehend what they just saw. They turned to each other, then back at the screen.

Cam pushed forward. "Wait, JARVIS," she pointed at the screen. "Rewind the last five seconds," he did. "Pause it." She zoomed in. They smiled.

They got a lead.


"Hey," Keemia set a cup of cappuccino in front of her. "You okay?" She slid into the seat across from her.

"Not really," Morgan sipped her drink before wincing and pushing it away. It was well brewed, but right now, it tasted like ash. "Someone's been breaking into my room, recently."

Keemia's eyes blew wide. "For reals?" She slammed her hand on the counter. "I though Avengers Tower was impenetrable."

"I know, right," Morgan let her head fall into her hands. "I know this sounds crazy, but I got a lead."


"I'm not sure," Morgan pushed her cup aside. "Basically, I got a video of the guy who broke in and I have a friend who said he knows the guy. But I still needed some help, so can you help me out?"

Keemia shrugged. "Sure, what d'you need?"

Morgan stood up. "Follow me." She walked off, stepping into the elevator. She motioned for Keemia to get in, which she did. As the girls entered the elevator, Morgan pushed a button and the doors closed.

"Hey," Morgan fiddled with her watch. "Can I talk with you about something?"

Keemia shrugged. "I guess, why?"

"I was hoping you would help me find out who did this," Morgan tapped the face of her watch. "Besides, I needed to talk to you about something."

Keemia looked up. "Why?" The door opened, revealing a basement-like room filled with spare items covered with tarps. The girls stepped out, entering the darkness. "What could be so important?"

Morgan faced the elevator, "You always hang around here," she looked over her shoulder. "Why?"

Keemia shrugged. "I just like it here, you got it really easy here."

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