Episode 2: Web of Lies

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May pulled the helmet down on her head, holding her arms out for balance. "Yup!" She nodded excitedly.

Pym smiled in return. "Okay! Here we go!" He pushed at sled, sending her across the park. The wind whipped at her chocolate locks, her doe eyes blown wide with excitement. She was whooping and waving her arms wildly, sometimes catching air.

"Sorry!" She ducked down, passing under a tarp stretched by two people. "My bad!" She scooted past a tennis player, knocking him into the brush. "Coming through!" She broke through a crowd, knocking out a teen or two. She glided out of sight, screaming on the top of her lungs.

Pym smiled. This was pretty good. They should do this more often.


"So," Jan stood, crossing her arms. "What happened?" Her son stood before her, chewing his lip.

Pym shifted from foot to foot, eyes flicking from point to point. He opened his mouth.

"We-went-skating-in-the-park-and-we-kinda-lost-control-and-then-May-" Jan put her hand on his mouth, cutting him off mid-breath.

"Okay, okay!" She held out her free hand, trying to calm him down. "Lemme rephrase that. May," she turned to the girl in the wheelchair. "You wanna tell me what happened back there?"

May blinked, looking at Pym then at his mom. She broke down.

"It was me!" She pointed at herself. "I went skating, and I-I wasn't careful. Pym told me to stop, but I didn't listen, and I got hurt!" Her eyes flickered about. "I-I'm sorry! I did this!" She buried her face in her hands, tears streaking her cheeks.

Jan just stared at her, incredulous. "May! I-I don't- It just ... That's so not you!" She gaped, looking back and forth between her son and May.

She gave a deep sigh, pressing a hand to her forehead. She tried to steady her breathing, eventually looking up.

"Well, May." Jan crossed her arms. "You're gonna be MIA for the next few weeks. I'm gonna go get you some more ice." She gave the girl a pointed look. "Don't go anywhere."

May gave Jan's retreating figure a lost look. "Where am I supposed to go?" She waved at her leg.

When his mother disappeared, Pym turned back to May. "M, I-I ... wow, you just saved me." He shook his head. "I ... don't know what to say."

May just gave him a gap-toothed smile. "Don't mention it." She looked over the preteen's shoulder, watching his mom come in with towels and a bowl of ice.

"There," Jan set them on the coffee table nearby. "May, if you need anything, just-"

"Pym'll help me!" Pym fell off the couch. "He'll do it. He'll take care of me." He started spluttering excuses.

Jan jumped back, eyes wide with shock. "Honey, are you sure?"

"Yeah! He'll do it!" Pym shut shut his mouth, staring at the girl with wide eyes. "Don't worry. He'll take great care of me, right?" May leaned over, giving him the most psychotic grin she could muster.

Jan looked at her son, then at May, then back at her son. She sighed, "Sure, if that's what you want, son."

"Yeah, sure," Pym gave May a strained smile. "It's the least I could do."


"Tell me, my dear."  Hela waved her hand, driving the smoke away.  "What do you know of Asgard?"  A mosaic flickered before them, drawing up a familiar image.

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