Episode 5: Creepin' Pasta

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It was a typical night at Avengers Tower, when everyone was about to go to bed. Morgan and Pym were playing a video game, Azari and Cam were reading together, Torunn and Barton were "talking" (see: flirting), and James was just brooding in some corner.

"Wham!" Pym threw out a punch.

"Pow!" Morgan deflected it.

"Take that!"


"Eat it!"

"Not gonna hit me!"

"Winning shot!"

"Rejected!" Pym was blown back, falling onto Torunn's lap, only to be shoved onto the floor.

"Ha!" Morgan punched the air, before breaking into a victory dance. "Yeah! Uh huh. Wooo!" She waved her hands in the air. Pym groaned on the floor.

"Hey, could you guys keep it down?" The kids turned to see a tired Tony Stark leaning against the wall. "Some of us wanna get our beauty sleep."

Morgan smiled, "Hey, Dad."

Tony smiled, hugging his daughter and ruffling her hair. "Hey, Squirt." He turned to the rest kids, placing a hand on his hip. "Shouldn't you guys be in bed?"

"C'mon, Tony." Pym whined on the ground, beating his fist on the ground. "Five more minutes."

Tony stood his ground. "To bed, now!"

"Hey," Barton stood up. "We're not little kids, you know."

"You are in my book," Tony crossed his arms. "To bed, all of you." He left the room.

Morgan peeked out the door. "Okay, Dad!" She slammed the door, turning on a dime. "We're pulling an all nighter."

Barton sighed, falling back. His head landed in Torunn's lap, causing her face to flush red.

James sighed, stretching his arms above his head. "Really" he yawned. "What're we going to do all night?"

Morgan's lips stretched into a Cheshire smirk. "How about ... a scary story contest?"

James rolled his eyes, "Pass!"

"Well, fine," Morgan pouted. "Do you have any better ideas?"

James turned to the others, who looked at him expectantly. He sighed, and waved at her to continue. He folded his legs under, sitting crosslegged on the ground.

Morgan smiled, falling to her knees. "I found this story online. It's about a video game from the 80's."


In the last decade and a half it's become infinitely easier to obtain exactly what you're looking for, by way of a couple of keystrokes. The Internet has made it all too simple to use a computer to change reality. An abundance of information is merely a search engine away, to the point where it's hard to imagine life as any different.

Yet, a generation ago, when the words 'streaming' and 'torrent' were meaningless save for conversations about water, people met face-to-face to conduct software swap parties, trading games and applications on Sharpie-labeled five-and-a-quarter inch floppies. Most of the time the meets were a way for frugal, community-minded individuals to trade popular games amongst themselves. However, a few early programming talents designed their own computer games to share amongst their circle of acquaintances, who in turn would pass it on, until, if fun and well-designed enough, an independently-developed game had its place in the collection of aficionados across the country.

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