Episode 3: Doom's Day

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James yawned, stretching his arms over his head. He sighed as his back cracked. "I'm here."

Torunn glowered at him. "You're late," she hefted her sword over her shoulder.

James scrunched his brow. "For what?"

"For training," Barton twirled an arrow between his fingers. "You didn't get the memo?"

James sighed. "Must've slipped my mind."

"Then let this be a refresher," Nick Fury stepped in. Metal shutters slid over the windows and doors, leaving no exits. Blasters rose from the floor panels as bots flew in.

"Bet your shield I can take down more drones than you can," Barton notched an arrow.

"First to ten blows wins," James agreed.

In the end, they were doing most of the work. Torunn, Pym and Azari just stood at the side, resigned to watching the competition.

"Wow," Pym whistled. "And I thought you were competitive," he pointed at Torunn.

CRACK! The shield and an arrow both sliced into the last bot. "Ha," they cried. "In your face!"

"GENTLEMEN!" Fury's voice rang over head. "The object of this exercise was to cross the room without setting off any traps."

"What?!" Barton shoved James off him. "When did he say that?"

"You didn't give him a chance," Azari walked up, crossing his arms.

"Oh," Barton coughed. "Uh, huh. This is awkward."

"I was going to send you into the field today," Fury continued. "But until you start working together, you're grounded."

"Hey!" Pym protested. "That's not fair!"

"Yeah," Torunn pointed at the boys. "It was their fault!"

"You're going to clean up your mess," a bot rolled out, brooms in hand. "As a team."

James and Barton glared at each other, grabbing brooms and walking off in opposite directions. While they swept, they held heated eye contact.

"Okay," Azari grabbed a broom. "Let's just get this over with." Torunn grumbled, but grabbed a broom and passed one to Pym.

One scrapheap later, and Torunn was still grumbling. "Next Avengers ... Work as a team ... surrounded by morons."

"C'mon, guys!" Pym shrugged. "It's not that bad." Everyone glared at him. Pym shrunk back. "Okay, it is that bad." He ducked his head, sweeping at a certain spot.

James groaned. "Let's just finish so we can prove to Fury," he threw a broken engine onto the pile, dusting his hands.

"You know, maybe Fury's right." Azari sighed. "I mean, our parents have been fighting bad guys for years. We're just noobs."

"Wait!" Torunn cried out. "Azari, you're a genius!" She ran over to the console. "SHIELD's most wanted. If we can bring in someone from this list-"

"Boom," Barton pound fist to his palm. "Instant respect." He grinned. "Wow, beautiful and smart." He leaned closer. "Yes, please."

Torunn blushed, "Thank you." She tucked away a loose strand of hair.

"I'm in!" Pym flew up between their faces, breaking the moment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Azari waved his hands frantically. "Are we sure this is a good idea? I mean," he laughed nervously. "Who are we even gonna bring in?"

Torunn pulled up a picture. "Sandman?"

Barton shrugged. "Eh."

Pym pressed a button. "Uh, Beetle."

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