Episode 14: Shoot For the Stars

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"C'mon, c'mon!" James slammed a fist against the headboard. "Can't this dump truck go any faster? "

"Hey, hey, hey! Be careful!" Morgan reached over from the passenger's seat. "Calm down! This is my dad's car, remember? I'm trying to get it back in one piece!" She was thrown against the door as James made a sharp turn to the left. "Rogers! Be careful."

"Uh, guys?" Pym pointed out in front of him. An intersection, cars zooming here and there, a car slowed right in front of them.

"AAHHH!" Morgan and Pym pressed themselves back against their seats, bracing for a fiery demise. James grit his teeth, sharply maneuvering around the passing vehicles, which honked in retribution.

"DUDE," Morgan brushed her hair back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" James didn't answer, slamming his heel harder into the pedal. They sped past the remaining streets, making on last turn before coming to a stop in front of the Avengers Tower.

James ran out of the car, making a beeline for the Tower. Morgan and Pym followed in pursuit.

"Hey, what's the big hurry?" Pym ran after his friend. They stepped into the elevator and Pym pressed the top button. "Those AIM agents already got away."

"Again," added Morgan as she leaded against the wall.

Ding! "That's the point," James stepped out of the elevator with his friends in tow. "M, I'm hoping we could use your dad's software to run a simulation based on the data we collected. Maybe would could be able to figure out their next target."

"Sounds like a plan," Morgan caught on. "Maybe we could find out where they'll strike ..." she trailed off.

Sitting on the couch was a lanky, rugged-looking boy with closed-cropped, sandy hair. He wore a red suit with black embellishments and gold chevrons. He was reading a book, one leg crossed over the other.

"Next." Morgan stepped forward. "Who are you?"

"Morgan Stark," the boy closed his book, setting it aside and rising to his feet.  "It's been a while."  He smiled, his blue eyes gleaming with his father's roguish spark.

"Jason Quill," he held out a hand. "Prince of Spartax, at your service."


"What're you doing here, Jay?" Pym balance a cookie between his teeth. "We haven't seen you in years?"

"Well," the boy in question shrugged. "Let's just say, I'm following in my father's footsteps."

"Yeah well, nice catching up with you, Jay, but," James leaned against the back of the couch, waving a hand at Pym and Morgan. "We got a job to do. C'mon, guys." He pushed himself up and headed down the hall.

"So, how's Meredith?" Morgan chomped on a cookie.

"She couldn't come," Jason smiled. "But she sends her love."

"Wow, not concerned about your baby sis?" Pym smirked.

Jay held his hands up in surrender. "I once saw her break a guy's wrist when she was only eight years old.  I'm more concerned about myself!"

"Wow," Pym sipped his drink. "Hey, Jay, you've tracked down bad guys before, right?"

"Yeah," the prince smiled. "Why?"

"Weeelllll," Pym stretched out the word. "We kinda wanna tract down a terrorist group and we kinda sorta need you help." He leaned in, batting his eyelashes. "So, you want in?"

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