Episode 4: Ladies & Lowlifes

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The people didn't care, they never did. They just walked around him or shoved past him, muttering about stupid kids and bad parents. Aaron scowled, tightening his fists. These people didn't know anything about bad parents. They were just idiots pitying poor kids they didn't bother to care about.

A hand fell on his shoulder. "Hey, I-"

Aaron whirled around, whipping out his dad's wand. "Who are you?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The burly boy held up his hands in surrender. "Hey, it's me!"

Aaron paused, sighing. "Wow, Ted." He dropped his guard. "Sorry, I-uhhh ... nearly blasted you."

"Hey, it's cool." Teddy brushed himself off. "Wow, Reece. I never saw you so angry before." He ran a hand through his cropped blond hair. He joined Aaron, the two of them walking off to the slums of the city.

"Lemme guess." He leaned against the side of an old warehouse.

"SHIELD," Aaron sighed. His parents, gone. His life, gone. His friends ... weeelllll ...

"Hey, man." Teddy placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know." He slung his backpack, reaching a hand into it. He pulled out an apple, passing it to Aaron. He pulled out another apple, gnawing on it.

Aaron bit into his apple, feeling the acidic juices seeping into his mouth. Teddy Garthwaite wasn't necessarily a friend, more like sometimes partner-in-crime.

Teddy chewed as he chatted. "You know," he swallowed. "I heard something went on down at their school."

"Hmm?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. He heard the news, but not the story. It didn't matter. The kids came back after a few hours.

Aaron sighed, throwing his apple core into a trash can. It missed, bouncing off the rim and falling to the ground. Teddy grunted, fling his core out on the street. He smirked as a car zoomed by, mashing it into the asphalt.

Aaron sighed, pushing himself off the wall. He turned to his friend. "We should head back." Teddy groaned in response.


Torunn was horrible at stitches. The other girls were better off. "Their work is as beautiful as they are," Clarissa would always coo and preen about them, but Torunn fared with little luck. The girls offered her consolation, despite her status. The poor princess. At least she had her beauty.

But on the training field, she was happy. She was the daughter of Thor and she succeeded were she was excepted to.

The boys were gallant, but there were very few girls on the field. Those that were there never fought her, but the boys never won. They stood no chance against the future Queen of Asgard.

"Torunn," a red-haired girl headed her way, clapping her hand on the princess' shoulder. Just the sight of her made the princess smile. Gunnhild wasn't as pretty as she was, but she was easier to talk to. Her hair was like the mane of a horse and her face was more Volstagg than Hidlegund, but she had a certain spirit to her. She was made of sterner stuff and never bothered with simple vanities or frivolous flights of fancy.

"Hilde," she gave a light curtsey. "How's your father?"

The girl laughed. "As enormous as he has been," her laugh was heavy and low, much like her father's.

"And since the ladies are clearly enjoying themselves," the instructor waved at them. "They will offer the first demonstration!" The boys sniggered at the thought.

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