Episode 10: New Girl Part 2

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Previously on Next Avengers ...

Mrs. Finch shuffled back in, trailing after a familiar blonde girl. "Class, this is Sylvie. Sylvie, this is the class. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

The class burst into a flurry, kids grabbing and yelling at each other. Morgan turned in her seat. "Hey, Sylvie." The blonde looked up. "You wanna work with us?"

Sylvie tilled her head. "Who's 'us'?"

Morgan pointed over her shoulder. "The gang," Cam looked up from her book and Pym waved excitedly.

Sylvie pursed her lips before smiling giddily. "Alright, then."

"Eh," Morgan shrugged, sipping her Coke. "We got time. Besides," she swirled her drink with the straw. "Sylvie's a good friend. She said she knew a place to shoot the video."

"What," choked Tony. "I-I didn't agree to this."

Morgan sighed. "Dad, you can come watch us if you want." She flicked the rim of her glass, "I don't see what the big deal is."


Previously ... at the Vault ...

She strolled up to the cell, placing a small disk on its surface.  She clicked it into place before running a safe distance back.  The disk beeped for a few seconds, before it exploded, taking the door out with it.

"Viper," MODOK, as charming as ever. "I've been waiting."

"Hmph," she placed a hand on her dip. "Major jailbreaks aren't easy to pull off, you know."

"You will show respect, child." The items in the room hovered dangerously. "Or you will suffer the consequences."

Viper straightened up, throwing her head back. "Yes, sir."  She swallowed, "We should go."

"Agreed," MODOK left the room, the child in tail. "Soon, I'll shall take my revenge on the ones responsible for imprisoning me."

"Hey," Crossbones appeared at the doorway.  "You two coming or what?"

Viper flashed him a smirk.  "We're already there," she took a small pearl out from her pocket, smashing it on the ground.  A black smoke filled the air, engulfing them entirely.


Click, clack, click, clack.

Her footsteps echoed down the hall as to make up for the lack of sound from her companion. MODOK just hovered in the air, flying ahead of her. The steel doors slid open at their presence, leading them into a darkened room. A dark figure sat on a chair on a raised platform. Charmcaster stopped near the door, hand on hip, whereas MODOK simply flew into closer range.

"Skull," growled MODOK.

"MODOK," he rose from his seat. "I see you have arrived. It appears you are competent after all, Viper."

Viper smirked, crossing her arms. "Was there ever any doubt?" Her eyes gleamed in the shadows.

"I underestimated you, child." A smile seemed to tug at the corners of his lips as he walked down to meet them. "But I assure you, it won't happen again."

"Score," she did a fist pump.

"Enough of this nonsense!" MODOK flew up. "Why have you called me here, Skull? I grow tired of waiting."

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