Episode 15: We Got Bio-Chemistry

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Sylvie threw things around in her bag, muttering furiously under her breath when a hand slammed down on her desk.

"Miss Lushton," she looked up.

She smiled. "Yes, Mr. Harrington?"

"Do you remember what today is?"

She pursed her lips. "Uh, test day?"

He nodded. "And what did I say?"

She dropped her head. "Clear the desks." The teacher nodded as she shoved everything into her bag. As Mr. Harrington continued his speech, she turned over to Billy. "Did you study?"

"Yeah, did you?" Sylvie opened her mouth, only for to cringe away.

"Oh, God," she dropped her head in her hands.

"Hey, just calm down." Billy smiled. "There's nothing that could go wrong."


Billy tapped his pencil against the table, trying to figure out the answer only for a girl to come up from behind. Two white hands slipped in front of him, holding a graded chemistry test.

"What'd you think?" Sylvie leaned in, her breath brushing against his ear. It smelled different, not like mint and breath freshener. More like deodorant and chlorine.

"Oooh, nice." He wasn't lying. She got a B-plus on the fly.

"I guess I'm more than just dumb muscle," Sylvie set the paper on the desk, taking a seat next to Billy.

He quirked a brow. "Dumb muscle?"

"Hey," she slammed her fist into his arm. "I'm stronger than you," they shared a laugh. "You know, I bet I can get an 'A' if I actually study next time."

"Oh, really?" Billy chuckled. "Sylvie, uh," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something." He waved at his papers.

Sylvie pouted, reaching over and snatched up the papers. She squinted at the formulas before she smiled. "Okay," she nodded. "I think I got this."

"Oh, thank God," Billy shook his head, pressing a hand to his head.

"Hey, what's this for?"

"Oh," Billy shrugged, looking off. "I-it's just a theory my dad had. You know, a little thought experiment."

"Okay," Sylvie handed him back the papers. "Could you get me a copy?"

"Uh," shrugged Billy, stuffing the papers into his binder. "I'll see what I can do" he checked his phone and scowled. "I need to go," he slung his bag over his shoulder and stuffed his binder under his arm. "Bye," his fingers brushed against her cast.

Sylvie smiled placidly, running her hand over the spot where Billy touched her.


"So," Morgan drummed her fingers against her knee. "You've been hanging out a lot with Sylvie, recently."

"Huh?" Billy looked up from his notes. "Did you say something?"

"C'mon," Morgan leaned in. "You guys spend most of your time geeking out with each other. It's disgusting, sometimes." Billy gave her the evil eye as she flipped him off.

"She's just coming over to help," he sighed, "Unless you can help me solve this, I'm not gonna get anywhere." He waved his papers towards her.

"Lemme see," Morgan took the papers out of his hands, her eyes going wide at the sight. "Wait a sec," she skimmed over it, flipping through a few more pages. "Uh, Billy," her face turned ashen. "Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the Symbiote formula?"

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