Episode 13: Intern For The Worst

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"Now, remember," Principal Coulson turned to face the crowd of students. "Justine Hammer pledged a fortune to the school. I expect best behavior."

Two security guards burst in, both carrying (see: dangling) Pym between them. The boy gave a sheepish laugh before he was unceremoniously dropped on the floor. "I know it said no photos, but I didn't know it meant no photos." He stuck his hands in his pockets and gave a nervous laugh.

"Whoa," Cam spun around. "This is even better than I imagined." She turned to Morgan, who gazed at the ceiling with a glazed expression. "Honestly, I don't see what the big-"

"I know, right?" Pym bounced on his toes. "I'm ninety-nine percent sure I'm gonna go bonkers."

"I trust you will all be supportive of Miss Lushton," they turned back to Coulson. "And her new internship."

"It's an internship," Morgan rolled her eyes. "I-it's not a big deal."

"You're right," replied Cam. "It's a huge deal."

Coulson shook his head with a sigh. "Follow me, everyone." He walked down the hall, meeting up halfway with a woman with chestnut hair in a cream-colored pantsuit.

"Principal Coulson," Justine smiled, extending a hand. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I was stuck in a hollow conference," Coulson shook her hand, which widened her smile. "You know how tedious those are. Let's get this tour started." She waved a hand out. "Follow me, kids." She strolled down the hall, the clicks of her heels resounding off the walls.

They came across a small ATM-like device, which ejected name tags for the students. Once everyone had theirs, Justine clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Your name tags have been individually programed to display your age, height, interests ..."

"And names?"

Justine chuckle, a low rumble in her throat. "Of course, Phil." She tittered, waving at the desks and equipment. "I don't see Hammer Industries as another multinational, moneymaking enterprise." She brushed her fingers against the rim of a pot that held a plant. "We are a group effort, and we all have something to contribute to it." She looked up to a portrait of her father, Justin Hammer himself, ironically imposing and inspiring. "My father made this company, and I always saw myself as his protégé, studying and even improving his work."

"Incredible," admitted Coulson.

Justine showed them their earlier projects, pulled over a few employees to talk with the kids, all the while Cam and Pym were watching with their mouths wide open while Morgan rolled her eyes repeatedly.

They stood before a door, with a DNA symbol on it. "Of course, we're proudest of our state-of-the-art gene-tech lab." She punched in a combination on the keypad, with led to a series of beeps, which caused the doors to slide open.

Everyone, even Morgan, gasped. To say it was huge was an understatement, it was bigger that the living room at Avengers Tower. It had multiple desks, pilled with lab equipment or computers with holographic displays. There was even an aquarium at the far corner, housing two electric eels.

"This must belong to someone doing really important work," Pym look up, spinning right into Sylvie.

"Hey, Pym-squeak." She leaned in, goggles askew. "So nice of you to say." She slid the goggles off her head, giving her classmates a snarky smirk.

"Maybe not that important," deadpanned Morgan.

"Sylvie," Coulson's eyes were practically bulging out of his head. "This is your lab?"

"Oh, just temporarily," she waved it off. "My real lab is being modified to my specs."

Justine pulled the girl into a one-armed hug. "We treat our interns well," she clapped her hands together. "Now, let's keep this tour moving." She headed for the door.

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