Episode 11: Crocodilian Confidant

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"Wow," Morgan rushed to the table, peering at the beakers. "This is incredible," she reached out to poke at the contents, only for a voice to startle her.

"Hey," she jumped, whirling around. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you." It was a boy, around her age, maybe a little younger. He was fairly tall, bright-eyed with a mop of caramel-colored hair. He smiled, which made him look a lot younger that he was.

"It's okay," Morgan dusted off her jacket. "I should've been paying attention to my settings." She stepped back, bumping into the table. "Huh," she stumbled, forcing the boy to catch her. "Table," she smiled nervously, pointing at it over her shoulder.

The boy laughed lightly. "I'm Billy," he held out a hand. "Billy Connors."

"Morgan," she shook his hand. "Your dad's Doc Connors, right?"

"Yeah," he smiled faintly. "I think you know him better as," he leaned in. "The Lizard." They laughed at that note. "Hey, your Stark's daughter, right?"

"Yeah," she quirked a brow. "Why?"

"I'm a big fan of your dad's work," Billy smiled. "Hey, uh," he leaned in. "You think you can get me an Arc Reactor?"

Morgan pushed him away. "Don't even think about it, Bill-Boy" she smiled, glancing around. "So, is your dad around?"

"Yeah," he pointed over his shoulder. "He's busy with Coulson right now." He sighed, walking over to a nearby table. He picked up a test tube, swirling around the lime-green liquid. "Say," he gave Morgan a sideways glance. "I caught my dad working on a serum the other night," he waved the vial. "He couldn't crack it on his own, but ..."

Morgan took the test tube and squinted at it. "Maybe," she pouted.


"Hmm," Cam jotted something down before looking back at the vial. She took off her glasses, cleaning them with her shirt. "Sorry, guys. I can't help you."

"What?" Billy looked from Morgan to Cam. "B-but why?"

"Bio isn't really my thing," Cam shrugged, setting her glasses back on her nose. "Maybe we can-"

"Hey, what is this place?" They turned to the door. "Did I just step into the Dork Dimension?"

Cam sighed. "Hey, Sylvie." She set the vial aside. "What brings you back here?"

Sylvie shrugged, "Oh, you know." She pulled over a chair, making herself comfortable. "Just came to see how my two favorite classmates are doing." She rested her cast on the back of the chair, smirking. "So, who's the dork?"

Billy blushed. "Uh," he coughed. "William," he held out a hand, leaning in. "William Connors."

Sylvie slipped her fingers into his hand. "Lushton," her voice was on the edge of mocking. "Sylvie Lushton."

"Wait," Morgan wrinkled her brow. "How'd you get in here?"

"Your doorman let me in."

"We don't have a doorman."

"Then what's JARVIS?" Morgan opened her mouth to answer, only for nothing to come out. Sylvie stretched out. "So," she hopped to her feet, arms above the head. "Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much," Cam shrugged. "Billy here just wanted us to help him with something."

"Oh," Sylvie's smile widened. "Will, what did you need help with?"

"It's something only geniuses can handle," Morgan cut in before the boy could answer.

"Oh," Sylvie wrinkled her brow. "Then why are you here?"

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