Episode 12: It's Hammer Time

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"I don't know," Sasha bit into the donut, yapping away on her phone. "I mean, she's smart and all, but people keep forgetting that she's such a jackass."

"I know, right?" Jenny chirped at the other end. "I still can't believe she did that."

"Hmm," Sasha chewed. "She's got issues."

"Sasha," the girl looked over her shoulder. "Sasha!"

Sasha rolled her eyes. "I gotta go, bye." She ended the call, "Mom?"

"Sasha," Justine stepped into the room. "Where's your white dress?"

"I sent it to the dry cleaner's," Sasha finished off her donut, licking the crumbs off her fingers. "Why?"

"Sasha, you do remember what tonight is, right?" Sasha shrugged, drawing a sigh from her mother. "The charity ball, the one my company's been planning for the past few months. The one you are expected to attend."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it." Sasha lied back on her bed. "I'll be there."

"Before six pm."

"Before six pm," Justine nodded, stepping out of the room.


"Hmm," Morgan pressed the cream cocktail dress to her body, then swapped it for the ivory gown. "Hey, Cam," she called out over her shoulder. "What'd you think?"

Cam looked up, squinting through her glasses. "I like the cream one." It was lacy and demure, with translucent sleeves and collar.

Morgan pouted, holding it against her body.  The skirt split at both sides, three waterfalls of ivory silk brushing against her ankles. She shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." She set the dress on the bed and hung the ball gown back in the closet.

"Hey," Cam looked up. "You worried?"

"Worried?" Morgan walked to her vanity, pulling out an ornate jewelry box. "Why would I be worried? It's only a charity gala my family is expected to attend, hosted by my dad's most hated rival, not to mention that there's a high possibility that when shit goes down, there's no way to get to safety." She pulled out some lip gloss and applied three layers. "Yeah, I'm not worried."

"Okay, M." Cam gave her a weird look before turning away. "Whatever you say."

Morgan sighed, capping her lip gloss. "Do you think Pym's gonna go?" She popped her lips, tracing them with her nail.

Cam was about to answer, only for the said boy to come barreling in. "Speak of the devil," she mumbled.

"Guys!" The boy looked worse for wear. His hair was sticking up in all directions and he was only in his undergarments. "I don't have anything to wear for tonight! You gotta help me!"

"Alright, alright," Morgan gripped his shoulders, marching him out of the room. "Cam, you coming?"

Cam opened her mouth to answer, only to shrug. "Sure, why not," she hopped to her feet. "It might as well be the most exciting thing that happened to me today."


Morgan rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that evening listening to her partner's ramblings about tonight. He kept going on and on about how incredible her family was, how beautiful she was, how she was a role model for young girls everywhere. She kept wondering whether if her family name would cover up her crime, but she eventually decided against it. So, she settled for biting her tongue and mentally ripping her hair out.

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