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( the tale between bound souls )

she's what makes the eclipse brighter.


NOVA RAGNAR WAS STANDING UNDER THE MOON, skin glowing blue, hair flew around her giving off a shimmer of the blue and shadows seemed to swarm like little wisps around her

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NOVA RAGNAR WAS STANDING UNDER THE MOON, skin glowing blue, hair flew around her giving off a shimmer of the blue and shadows seemed to swarm like little wisps around her. Her eyes were glowing silver, she looked like some sort of star. She was yelling – screaming in pain, trying to claw at her chest, but her arms were held firmly in place as the moon glowed above her. She could hear muffled screams around her, various whispers and people suffering. She screamed and screamed until her throat was raw, tears streamed down her now flushed cheeks as the power in her veins spread throughout the rest of her body. In agony she tried to move, but she was forced to stare up at the big bright moon.

"It is your fault that they're all dead! You didn't save them! Now, they've fallen into the depths of The Heretic!" A voice angry yells, the little girl meets the eyes of the moon, watching as it turns into a beautiful young woman who stares angrily at her.

"NOVA, WAKE UP!" Suddenly she jumped awake, feeling herself being held by Alina who held her tightly. Mal was the one who had shouted at her. She looked around the place seeing she was fine and there was no moon, but she was red in the face, tears were streaming like a waterfall down cheeks and sweat was pouring off of her. Her throat was dry and sore, but she kept her eyes on her two best friends who held her tightly.

"Shh, it's okay, we've got you." Alina whispers passing a nice cold drink of water to the girl.

"Ana Kuya left you with us, you're okay, she gave us water and a wet wash cloth." Mal said, he looked at her in horror, but he's heard all of this before just never this bad.

"Want to tell us what it was about?" The other girl asks helping Nova sit up while keeping her arms around her.

The blonde nods, "I was glowing a-and the moon held me in place, the moon is a woman. She was beautiful, but she seemed to be so angry, she was angry at me for letting them fall at the feet of The Heretic." She whispers. Why does this always happen to her? She just wants to be a normal girl that doesn't have nightmares about the moon, why her?

"The moon?" Mal suddenly gasps, "you could be Grisha!" He whisper yells, Nova shook her head, she wasn't Grisha was she?

"I-I don't want to get taken away from you guys." The girl whispers curling herself up against Alina, who's arms tightened around her.

"You won't, I'll make sure of it, I promise." The other girl vows. "I said I'll always protect you."

Nova smiles slightly rubbing at her birthmark as it stings ever so slightly, "can you guys sleep here?" She whispers biting her lip anxiously playing with her fingers.

"Of course we can and when we wake up we will go to the meadow." Alina exclaims getting into the single bed trapping her in the middle as Mal laid down at her other side.

The trio were barely fitting in the small bed, they all curled into each other hoping that this would possibly help the young blonde sleep a lot better since this has been happening for weeks. Ana Kuya told them not to worry that she would grow out of this habit, but would she though?

That night Nova never dreamt about the moon again instead she slept peacefully in between her best-friends with a content smile that carved upon her face. Wishing that it will always be like this, and that it will get better when she was older.



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