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AFTER THE TWO HEARTRENDERS TOOK NOVA AWAY FROM THE COURT, SHE HAD ASKED THEM if they could perhaps take her to the library instead. She wanted Alina to make her own friends and go on about her day without herself holding the Shu girl down all the time. However, she would want to know about her day later on.

Ivan had left her with Fedyor because he had some things to do, but the smiley Corporalki was a bright ray of sunshine – very funny, very talkative, Nova didn't know if she could keep up with him.

"Here we are!" He says doing a hand gesture causing Nova to chuckle, "the library as you requested." He turns to her, "if you need anything go to any other Grisha or come find Ivan and I."

"Okay, I will." She smiles, "thank you, Fedyor."

She walks into the library, and sighs with delight. She noticed the librarian in the corner of her eye – glancing at her military–cartographer uniform. With the shake of her head, Nova glances forward and rushes slightly behind the bookshelves.

She ran her fingers over a few of the books reading the titles at the side, she suddenly stopped when she noticed of the books that Alina used to read to her all the time. She whispers to herself, "I know you. You're the book Alina used to read to me."

She flipped through some of the pages and closed her eyes – remembering when Alina would curl up besides her and read to her whenever she had a nightmare or whenever they'd finished their chores. Opening her eyes, she takes the book under her arm and began to reach for another.

"I see you have a thing for books." Nova jumps, she whirls around on her feet meeting a greasy looking man who stares at her with a look she didn't like. She took in his appearance as he continued to stare at her; he wore all black but he had a symbol upon his robes. "You though aren't well-read, you are different, aren't you?"

"Educated, I see." He says glancing at the book under her arm.

She began to feel uneasy, "um...Alina used to read to me...after the Headmistress said because we didn't possess any physical talent, that we should possess knowledge instead."

He grins showing his yellow teeth, "isn't that lovely of her."

The blonde girl looks away from him, she felt uncomfortable at the way he seemed to appreciate her in some way. "I'm the King's spiritual adviser, I saw you come in here...away from everyone. But I want us to be friends." He said choosing his words carefully – making sure not to scare her off. He began to walk towards her closing her in at the bookcase, "it is important that we are friends."

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