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THE MORNING CAME BY QUITE QUICKLY AS one of her guards came through her door gently waking her up from the peaceful slumber. She sat up and lazily smiled at the man as he set down a big white box and bowed – walking back out the door.

Nova slid off her bed, her feet hitting the cold marble floor boards causing shivers to run throughout her body. She stretched her arms and legs, brushing out some of the knots throughout her hair. Her eyes traveled up the walls and gasped quietly as she noticed the astronomy decorating her ceiling, stars connecting to each other, the moon and some planets all printed upon the silver marble.

She came out of her little daze and realised she had to get ready for the day, Nova entered her bathroom and started off by brushing her teeth and splashing some cold water on her face. She stared into the mirror for a second and it dawned on her that this was her life now, she quickly went back to her room and opened up the box. Her once curiosity eyes widen into adoration.

Her brown eyes travelled upon the black kefta, this is something she'd never worn before, the kefta felt heavy, but comfortable. She looked at the silver stitching that travelled out like the stars that were connecting on her ceiling, the stitching reached passed the sleeves and down to the very end of the kefta. There were small crescent moons on the small buttons and around the neck and wrist area, she then eyed the pair of black leather boots that were laid innocently on the fabric. She licked her lips and plucked everything from the box, she put on the soft fitting-breeches of fabric that she'd ever encountered, a long blouse that tied with a black sash and then the boots that fitted perfectly to her calves. Nova then put on the kefta, she was surprised to feel that it was lighter than it looked, she fastened the little buttons on the front and then moved to the body mirror that hung on her wall.

The kefta swallowed her whole, the sleeves were wide, and though it was a lot like a coat, it was so elegant and made her look as though she were wearing a gown. She moved to the vanity and ran the brush through her curls, she pleated the front strands of hair and then clipped them to the back. Nova couldn't help but stare for a little while longer, she'd never looked like this before. She was a little upset at looking like this, she looked like a Princess and that's not what she was. She was an orphaned girl who's parents died due to the fold and for her to look like this felt shameful.

"Miss Ragnar," one of the guards called out while knocking on the door. She glanced up and grabbed the book that she was reading last night and rushed towards the door, she opened it up to see both of the men staring down at her. "We were asked to take you down to breakfast," he says almost gently. She nods and shuts the door behind her as one of the guards led the way and the other followed closely behind.

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