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NOVA ABRUPTLY SAT UP ONCE HER EYES OPENED, she glances around the room as if suddenly remembering the events of yesterday. She hums to herself as she got out of the bed, shivering as the warmth left her. Her feet reached the cold floor, but they pitter pattered like rain as she walks over to the windows – opening the curtains letting in the sunlight.

A knock on the door caught her attention before it was opened, a woman walks in with sharp bone structure walks in with a glare on her face. She was wearing a blue kefta that was embedded with grey designs; it suddenly hit the small girl that she was a Squaller.

The woman takes notice of the girl who was standing in the middle of the room. She stares her down before her gaze became soft, the woman walks over and put the box she was holding down on the marble table.

Nova glances at the box and then back up to the Squaller, "what's your name?" She asks softly.

"Zoya, my name is Zoya Nazyalensky." The woman said before opening the box. "Have you bathed?"

The blonde nods her head, "last night." She watches Zoya grab a changing curtain before setting it up, "I'm Nova Ragnar."

"I know," the dark haired girl said looking over her shoulder, "we were on the skiff together, remember?"

"Yes!" She nods enthusiastically, "you manned the sail!"

Zoya smiles and grabs the girl behind the changing curtain. She scrunched her nose at the uniform, but smiles anyways, she felt the need to protect the small girl in front of her. She was far too skinny, her gaze pierced the blonde when she watched her slip off the nightgown. She eyes the birthmark on her shoulder with a hint of realisation. "Let me help you."

She helps Nova into the cleaner version of the first army uniform, there was even a cartographer badge on the left breast. She then brought the girl over to the vanity and grabbed a brush. She went through the blonde locks and created a small wave through them with a little bit of wind.

Nova whispers. "Thank you for your help." Staring up at Zoya with wide adoring eyes.

"Your welcome." The Sqauller whispers unable to look away from her, "can I ask a question,
malen'kaya luna?"

"Ask away."

"Did you know that you were grisha before yesterday?" She asks as the fixed parts of the girls hair.

"I-I wasn't sure at the time....I knew I was different. The first time I summoned light..I was defending myself." She mumbles, "I blinded one of the caretakers who was going to hit me for accidentally knocking over a vase."

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