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ALINA AND NOVA HEARD THE OTHER KIDS TALKING IN ONE OF THE ROOMS they use for classes. They couldn't help but peak around the corner and listen into the conversation one of the boy's tell the others about Grisha.

"– Does it hurt?" She heard a girl hesitate in asking the question.

"Only for a bit." The older boy answers, "then you find out if you're Grisha, and you go and live in the Little Palace and eat sweet melon and Kerch candies, wear special coats." He spits out.

Another young boy speaks out, "has anyone from here been picked?"

The boy nods and Nova looks at Alina who gives her a reassuring smile, "once. First year in, Lucian."

"The little pyro was an Inferni, of course." He says giving a mocked grin.

"I want to be a Tidemaker." The same girl spoke up, she wasn't so hesitant anymore, she looked like she felt confident in saying something.

A boy laughs, "I bet I'm a Squaller."

Mal walks up to the pair holding his injured arm, Nova takes his hand gently and smiles, listening to the conversation again.

"You break wind, you don't make it." The older boy says again, picking on the younger one in front of him causing all the young kids to laugh. This caused the young boy to look embarrassed.

"How does the test work?" Mal speaks out, causing the two girls to stare at him.

Everyone looks back at him, the older boy; Forich, sneers. "For you?" He pauses, "for you, it won't. They don't do the test if you're sick or injured."

"Thanks to your little scrap with dinner, you're gonna have to skip this year, mutt." Nova hugs Mal in a comforting way, while Alina glares at the taller teen.

A voice suddenly interrupts everyone, "children, visitors." Everyone saw Ana Kuya, the keeper of the place staring at them all, making sure to lead them in pairs.

Alina turns to the blonde girl and Mal and stares at them, the both stare at Nova causing her to frown. The Shu girl grabs the smaller girl who pulls the curly haired boy along with her. The three ran out of there and straight to the field, their meadow. They all stare at each other before landing in the dried out grass, before laying on their stomachs.

"She didn't see us. We're safe." Alina voice echoed from the left of Nova.

The three children panted with exhaustion and the mousy – brown eyed girl stares ahead of her. Mal stares at both girls, well, one who didn't know if she was Grisha or not. "Don't you want to know if you're Grisha?"

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